Chapter 31

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Oh God, why is he abducting me like that? 

I closed my eyes in fear as I felt every muscle of his body pressing against mine. It made me, even more, afraid that he would discover my secret if he pressed his body more to my small one. My small hands were stopping him from having complete contact with my upper body but I didn't know how long I would be able to stop him. 

The way he had caged me screamed he won't let me go easily but I had to try to free myself from this grey eye monster before he ended my game as he did in my nightmare. I tried to push him but he was not budging from his place so getting tired I tried to scream again so I could get out of his hold but his big hand again muffled my voice of protest. My body shivered as I felt his warm breath fanning on my face. I tried to move more into the wall if it was even possible. My body reacted on its own and tried to move away feeling the warmness radiating from his nearness. My heart started to beat more wildly as I remembered something similar. That day he was drunk, our bodies were entangled close to each other like this. He tried to kiss me that day when he was drunk. This flashback memory did not do any good to me, instead, it worsened my situation. 

Sage, what are you thinking now he tried to kiss you when he was drunk when he was completely out of his senses not knowing if he was trying to kiss a woman or men don't confuse yourself. But now he is completely in his senses he has caged you to strangle your neck because you have already disobeyed him so many times. Remember he doesn't like when things are not going in the way he wants and you are doing a perfect job of pissing him by doing it so think of something before he ends your game. 

My mind put sense into me but that day the way he looked at me made me feel things that I couldn't take out of my mind even if I wanted to. It lingered in the back of my mind making me feel all unwanted things a female should feel at the nearness of a male. Sage focus if you want to get alive from here he is capable of burying you in big property of Villins and no one will know how martyr Sage King sacrificed her life. I put all the things aside for now and tried to focus on freeing myself from the grey eye monster. I didn't dare to open my eyes to look at him. He was capable of doing things to me with his grey pools. Instead of opening my eyes, I tried to push his gigantic body away from me using all my strength but I even failed in it as he was way more strong than me. 

"Stop resisting me," he said in his commanding angry voice which made my hands stop for a bit. Don't listen to him Sage he can't command you. My inner voice said, making me again press my small hands to his chest to push him. 

"I. said. stop. Resisting. Me.'' he said in his commanding threatening voice while breaking each syllabus. I gulped hard while completely stopping my movement. My small pushing hands go numb over his chest even though they stopped pushing. I kept them between us to stop our bodies from having complete contact. 

"I'm taking my hand away from your mouth but if you try to scream again remember no one will be able to find you again" he threatens me in his dark voice increasing my fear even more. I knew he had caged me to kill. His words made me close my eyes in more force while I nodded my head in yes. He slowly uncovered my mouth as I remained silently pinned to the wall. 

"Open your eyes and look at me," he said again in his commanding voice, passing a bad chill to my body. I moved my head in denial as I refused to do it. I didn't want me to look at him or into his commanding grey eyes. They are capable of making me do things that I know I will regret doing afterward. 

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