Chapter 50

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"Of course I will"  

I looked away as he said those words looking at me straight. I don't know why but I started to feel nervous about this picnic. I wanted to spend my weekend grey eye monster free with my friends only but now he was coming too. His eyes were still fixed on me making something tick in my stomach. I only know how I spend my time here working while his grey eyes follow my every movement. But now he will be with us for twenty-four hours. How will I manage his gaze on me this long? Here I stick to my friends all the time so he can't get me alone but things will be different there. I bit my lower lip thinking he could find me alone. I'm trying my best to stay away from him. 

What will I do? 

My heart palpitated at the mere thoughts of him caging me in his strong arms. I swallowed hard and tried to focus on something else but him. Stop overthinking Sage, you can do the same thing that you do here. Stick to your friends and if it doesn't work then we will find a way once we go there. My inner voice said in her calm tone. I took a deep breath to relax. The rest of the lunch went in a blur. Once we were in the kitchen I walked towards Logan. The good thing was the grey eye monster had still not come in. 

"Ouch," he hissed as I slapped on his arm. 

"That hurts," he said as he rubbed the area I slapped. I didn't even slap him that hard. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Why did you ask the head chef to come with us?" I whispered to him as I moved my eyes to see if anyone noticed our interaction. Everyone was busy so I focused my eyes back on him. 

"Was I not supposed to ask him?" he asked in his furrowed eyes as he looked at my grim face. He kept staring at my face for a few seconds. That's when a known look flashed in his eyes. 

"Ohh I know he yells at you and all. Sorry, I didn't think about it before" he said apologetically. He knew how the grey eye monster always yelled at me even when I made small mistakes and nowadays he is on edge. Now I am used to this kind of behaviour. If he thinks I don't want him to come with us because of this reason then he is wrong. I was not worried about his reason. My reasons were completely different. 

"Sorry I shouldn't have done that," I said as I gestured to his hand where his other hand was still rubbing it. He had asked him like he asked all of us. I smiled faintly at him. 

"Oh don't worry, it didn't even hurt me. I was just acting," he said and I narrowed my eyes at him, making him grin at me. I smile at him at his childishness. 

"Then stop rubbing it as if it's still hurting," I said, smiling back at him as I took his hand in mine to take it away. He pulled it back mischievously. We were playing tug of war without realizing it. 

"What's going on?'' I heard a booming irritated voice which made me look at the owner. Mad grey eyes meet mine, making me let go of Logan's hand shortly. I straighten my body whereas Logan stiffens beside me. 

"There is still one more day left for a picnic. Get back to work" he scoffed in his mad voice making me go back to work. I started cutting the vegetable trying to focus on my work and ignore his burning eyes on my back. 

The rest of the day I tried my best to stay with my friends. Whenever he came towards me I walked in different directions. I was doing this the next day too. From his face, I knew he was growing more and more impatient. I just made sure to stay away from him. We all were now working excitedly, eager to finish our work. From tomorrow weekend starts and so does our picnic. Logan had organized everything. We were going to a farmhouse located in the countryside. Logan had shown me pictures of it and I loved it. I was more excited than everyone because it was my first time going on a stay like this with my colleagues. 

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