Chapter 7

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The only thing I knew was that I felt safe in his arms. 

I stayed like that until the pilot announced that we were in the air and could remove our seat belts. As soon as I heard that I moved away from him and started to fumble with the seat belt he had tied around me. I felt his grey eyes looking at me as I kept fumbling with the belt. I don't know why it was such a difficult task to do. 

My face was already red because I was clinging to him like a baby to his mother who is afraid to fall. I bent my face and moved it slightly so he couldn't see it. I miss my long hair so much at this moment. At least they would have helped me in hiding my face. This time he didn't move a finger to help me. He instead rested his chin on his hand and kept keenly looking at me as I kept fumbling with it. After struggling for a good five minutes I was finally able to undo it. I felt so happy as if I had won the marathon. I stood up as soon as I heard the click of the belt. I stood up to walk but he took hold of my wrist making me fall back on his lap. A gasp left my mouth because it happened so suddenly. He was messing around with me. I removed his hand and stood up but this time he wrapped his hand around my waist making me sit on his lap again. This time I looked up and glared at him, making something burn in his eyes more intensely. 

My nose flared in anger. I have still not forgotten how he accused my family of being involved in all of this. He blamed them and I will always remember it. I averted my eyes with a set jaw. I didn't spare him a glance and walked towards the last window seat. He was still following my every move with his keen eyes. Even though I was seated far away he was still seated opposite me. I still tried to hide my red face by looking out of the window. My nerves were still tense and my legs still shook slightly to the fact I was in the air. It was very clearly written on my face that I was afraid of my first lift in the air. Even though he knows it I still wanted to hold my ground. I kept pretending to look out of the window. Clouds look so beautiful from here. I wish I was a cloud. I would have moved in the vast sky without any worries, restrictions or barriers like a free sprite. I got lost in my thoughts as I kept looking at the passing clouds. It gave me a certain amount of calmness. I even forgot my worries for a split of seconds. I was feeling so overwhelmed. 

"Ma'am, would you like to drink something?" I heard someone asking me. It made me come out of my trance. I turned my head and found the same flight attendant standing in front of me with a smile on her face. I sniffed a bit.  

"Water please," I said in my small ragged voice as I felt my throat had gone dry a long time ago. She gave me a small nod and walked away. I was about to turn my face and look out of the window when my eyes caught his sight. He was typing something on the laptop with one hand and with the other was ruffling and messing his perfectly combined hair. If I had water in my mouth it would have slipped out of it. He was looking so freaking hot but arrogant at the same time. He had still not said a single word to me. If he is mad at me then I'm mad at him too. He always bosses me around. I don't even know what's waiting for me there once we reach. He knows only one thing that is barking a command at people. 

I hate you grey-eye monster! 

I was glaring at him with my narrowed eyes when he suddenly looked at me. As if he felt my gaze on him. I immediately looked away like a fool. I should have kept glaring at him but no, my nervousness kicked in. I went back to looking out of the window until a glass of water was brought to me. I gulped down the glass of water to quench my thirst. My head was still troubling as I massaged it with one hand. The stress I was feeling was because of sudden changes in my life. My head was aching because my subconscious mind never stopped thinking about what was written in the papers I signed. I gulped the cold water in one go. 

"Thank you," I said, handing back the glass to her. 

"Ma'am if you are not feeling well you can rest in the room" she suggested with a smile on her face making my eyes go wide in shock. She had noticed that I was constantly massaging my head. 

"You have a room here," I asked in astonishment. I didn't know they have rooms too on the jet. It was a new piece of information for me. From the corner of my eyes, I saw him moving his head while looking at me as soon as I asked her that question. Duh, I have never been on one before.

"Yes we do," she said with a smile as she looked at my surprised face. It's better to rest in a room than sit here and get ignored by a grey-eyed monster. I would love them to be in my company because I want to stay away from him as far away as possible. 

"Please show me the way," I said politely too while getting up from my seat. She started walking and I followed her still with my slightly wobbling legs. 

The fact I was still in the air never slipped out of my mind and his burning gaze on my back didn't make things easy for me. When she showed me to the room a gasp left my mouth. It was so well furnished and great taking. Even the mattress of the bet was so soft as if it was made of feathers. I didn't waste time and lay down on it after removing my shoes. It felt good to rest in the middle of a stressful day even if it would be for a small time. I don't know if it was my aching head or a feather-soft mattress that made me slip into a slumber. I was still deep in my sleep when I felt a callous thumb pad moving on my slightly parted lower lip. 

It kept on moving on my lower lip very lazily. I pressed my slightly parted lips together and groaned wanting to sleep more. But that lazy movement didn't stop making me open my heavy eyelids. I found grey eyes looking at me with so much darkness in them that sent shivers to my lower back. My sleep-heavy eyes widened when I saw that look in his eyes. It had so many dark things planned for me in them. I tried to get up immediately but the next thing he did made my heart race so fast that I thought I would have a heart attack. He pulled me towards him and the next thing I knew he was hovering over me. 

With his dark lusty angry eyes looking down on me. 

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