Chapter 75

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So he knows the reason behind my silence.

"Why?" I questioned him while swallowing the building lump down my throat. I turned my eyes and looked at him with welled-up eyes. His grey eyes kept looking back at me with a serious look on his face. I kept looking back with fuming eyes. The tension in the air kept on increasing with each passing second. 

"Why did you do that?" I questioned him again with a raised tone when he still didn't say anything. 

"To make you happy" he breathed out after a few minutes. 

"To make me happy" I scoffed, repeating his words. A dry chuckle left my mouth. I tried to yank my hand out of his hold but he didn't let it go. Instead, he made his hold tight on my wrist with determination in his eyes. I glared at him through my glassy eyes. 

"Yes, to make you happy. I saw how you wanted to find a job but when I asked you about the newspaper I saw how you hesitated and brushed it off," he said again, this time more firmly. My eyes widened slightly when he said that. He knew I was looking for a job. 

"That morning I had heard you talking with Sophia when she stayed here. You thought that morning I had left for work but I had come back to grab my keys. I heard you telling her that you wanted to find the job on your own and you were distressed about how to tell me. I didn't want you to feel like that. It made me feel so little because I still have not made you feel secure in our relationship enough for you to share your thoughts with me. I didn't want you to hesitate before telling me what you feel and what you want. So I decided to make things easy for you" he said with a firm tone looking straight into my eyes. 

"I didn't want you to find it like this. Everything I did in the past has always hurt you one way or another, so this time I wanted to make you happy. That's why I didn't want you to know it" His Adam apple bobbed when he said that. I can't keep looking back at him. I looked away. 

"If you knew I wanted to find a job on my own then do you think getting a job by recommendation will make me happy?"  I questioned him in a firm tone while sniffing. 

"If you knew how I was feeling then you should have talked with me instead of going behind my back and getting a job for me," I sobbed while still looking away. I closed my eyes and warm tears slid out of them. 

"Like a fool, I was bosting entire month that I had got this job on my own. I told everyone about it. I was happy that this time I was getting a job on fair terms not by deceiving or manipulating anyone but little did I know I was the one who was getting manipulated instead" I sobbed still looking away from him. I lifted my hand and wiped my face. I tried to yank my hand out of his hold. I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted to be alone to get my thoughts clear. But he was not letting me go. 

"Let me go I need to be alone," I said in annoyance when he still didn't let go of my hand. He pulled me back not letting it go out of his hold and wrapped it around my stomach. 

"I know I should have talked with you first. I know I have hurt you but don't ever say you want to be alone. If you want to curse me and be mad at me do it in my arms. I will never let you go away from me" he said in a heavy voice while hugging me from behind. I tried to get out of his hold but he buried his face in my neck and kept hugging me even more tightly. 

Tears kept running down my cheeks. I gave up when my hands started to hurt. I felt so weak and tired. I just wanted to rest and sleep away from the agony I was feeling. My body became limp in his hold and that's when he carried me to our room. He put me on the bed and I curled myself. He lay down beside me but I turned around and closed my eyes while showing him my back. I was sleeping at the edge keeping distance between us but he minus it by pulling me to his hard chest. I was tired and I didn't have enough energy left to fight with him. I close my eyes and let sleep engulf me. The next day too I didn't talk with him. I didn't even go to work. All the months I was unemployed made me feel empty. I had finally started to feel empowered by going to my new job but now It made me feel even more empty. I made dinner for him and went to sleep early without eating. He had tried to wake me up but I didn't. It's hard to wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. But he still made me sit up and eat my food even though I glared at him. The next day I went to my job to hand in my resignation. 

"What's this?" Raphael asked me in a firm tone when I put my resignation on his desk. 

"My resignation. I'm grateful that you let me work here and gave me a chance but I can't continue it because of my personal reasons" I said politely with a faint smile on my face. His turquoise-blue eyes kept looking at me as I talked. They were reading me and I let him. He exhaled when I was done talking. 

"If you think I hired you because your husband recommended then let me clear something for you," he said in his boss' tone looking straight into my eyes. 

"I hired you after looking at your work, not at your husband's. I don't do favours and I had cleared it to him that if I don't find you appropriate for this position I won't hire you. You got this job only because of your capabilities" he spoke up still looking into my eyes. I was surprised when he told me that but it still doesn't change that the head chef recommended me to him. 

"Thank you for telling me that," I said feeling as if some weight was lifted from my shoulder. 

"I will accept this resignation if that's what you want but if you want to take a few days off and change your mind then know this we value our hard-working employees," Raphael said while accepting my resignation. I just kept looking at this man one minute he will make you feel as if you don't know him and in the very next few seconds he will be the person you only know in the room. I was finding it hard to understand. 

"Thank you," I said with a faint smile and he gave me a cute nod. I was on my way out of the office when I got a call from mom. 

"Mom," I said in my delighted voice. 

"I was just thinking about calling you," I said in the same tone. I don't know how but everytime im thinking of calling her I get a call from her before I do. She laughed when I said that. She knows about this coincidence. 

"How are you," she asked in her motherly voice. How was I? I had failed to ask that question myself. That question made me feel something inside. I cleared my throat before answering. 

"I'm good. How are you and everyone else?" I asked back while getting into my car. 

"We all are doing fine. Now listen I have called you to invite you. You know we are done with the renovation of our restaurant and we have decided to open it on your father's fiftieth birthday. We will host a small party. I hope that you can come" she said cheerfully excited to invite me. 

"I will mom," I said with a big smile on my face. I talked with her a bit and then said bye. 

Maybe a small trip to my home will help me clear my mind.

Stolen Secretary will be update tomorrow.

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