Chapter 13

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"With my wife"

As soon as those words were out of his mouth I lifted my head only to get my gaze locked with his grey one. His words sent chills down my spine which was a mixture of so many emotions that I couldn't particularly point to one of them. He looked deep down into my eyes, making my eyes wide and my heartbeat even fast. He started moving his face more near me making my lips part as I felt my heart getting emitted from my body because of his nearness. Our gaze was still locked with each other and it was somehow pushing me towards the start of insanity. Our noses touched each other and I felt sparks.

"If you think I will say something like that then you are wrong. I have no interest in liars like you. Don't forget you will be my wife in the only namesake" he said those bitter words on my face. Saying that he moved away from me making as much distance possible between us. His words made something snap inside me.

"Get out and don't even come to this floor again without my permission. This floor is only for staff and you are not staff here. Fit my words in your brain so you don't forget it" he said those words again bitterly more harshly making my lower lip wobble as I felt a sting in my eyes. I bit my lower lip to control my changing emotions which were ready to slip out of the corner of my eyes. His face showed an expression that was a mixture of hate and disgust. His angry grey eyes remained fixed on me. I looked away and before he could again show me the place I walked out of the meeting room while wiping the corner of my eyes with the back of my hand. I sniffed a bit to drink my remaining unshed tears but I couldn't hold them anymore. They slipped out of my eyes and fell freely on my cheeks. In just a split of seconds, he showed me how unwanted I was in his life and at his restaurant from where I started my new journey.

This place will always be special for me about the way I choose to join it. Here is where I made my second family and he just like that sided me away saying I don't belong here anymore. I ran to the nearest washroom while still wiping my face with the back of my hand. I stood in front of the sink and splashed water on my already damp face. My warm tears mixed with water and slid down my cheeks more vigorously. I stood in front of the sink for a few minutes until I felt a little better. Once I felt better I wiped my face and walked out of the washroom. I stood there for a few seconds and again bottled up my emotions. Girls must be waiting for me. I took a few deep breaths before walking to them.

"Where were you," Isabella asked when she saw me walking toward them.

"I went to say hey to my friends," I explained, mustering up my calm face. I don't want them to get suspicious of me. They both nodded in understanding and we soon left the restaurant. Grey eye monster came down to say bye before we left. I didn't look at him, I instead kept looking in front even though I felt his eyes on me. He had come to say bye to them, not me. He made it very clear that I don't have any importance in his life.

So I should avoid being near him, talking to him or even seeing him in his direction. It will make things a little better for both of us. In half an hour we were back at the mansion. I decided to rest for some time feeling exhausted both mentally and physically. My legs ache from walking for hours. How do they keep walking for hours without feeling pain in their calves? The rest of the day went in a blur. His words kept on getting repeated in the back of my head even after I tried my best to ignore them. In the night I called Sophia and told her everything. She was hella mad at me because of signing the contract blindly and second Logan knew everything about this before her. Logan has opened his big mouth in front of his girlfriend.

I apologised to her but she was still mad. I had decided to meet her tomorrow and talk to her about what was happening around me. She was the only one who knew me like the back of her hand. She was the only one who understood me because she knew what kind of situation made me take all the impulsive decisions in my life. Today we decided to meet in a nearby cafe for lunch. I told grandma and Mrs Villain that I was going for lunch with my friend. They told me to take care of myself but I didn't feel comfortable taking one. So instead I told them I had already booked a cab. Saying I will be back soon I walked out of the car and then booked a cab for myself. It arrived in less than ten minutes. I met Sophia at our chosen place. She was already waiting for me. I hugged her tightly even though she made faces when I did that but she soon responded to my hug.

"I missed you," I said while still hugging her tightly. "I missed you too bitch" she said while squeezing me tightly.

"I can't breathe" I tapped her back and that's when she let me go. We took our seats and decided to first order the food.

"So what are you going to do now," Sophia asked me once we were done ordering our food.

"Marry him. I don't have any other choice" I said while exhaling loudly. She nodded at me in understanding. I told her about all the preparations going on at the mansion and then I asked her about her and Logan. Well, they were now happy with each other and I was happy to see them finally together. Soon after our lunch arrived we ate and talked. After an hour or two we decided to leave the restaurant. We bought ice cream and decided to take a walk-in park which was beside it. Some of the kids were playing in the sand and some were cycling.

"So have you decided how you are going to tell your parents about it?" Sophia asked while licking her ice cream. Her question made me stop licking my ice cream. It was still a difficult task for me.

"I don't know how I'm going to do that," I said with slumped shoulders as my eyes stayed fixed on the kids who were chasing each other. They both were lost in their game while gigging if one of them came close to the other one. They were running in circles. But my eyes widened when I saw a kid cycling towards them while looking back at his friend. Ice cream fell out of my hand before I could process anything I was running towards them. I took long steps and thank God I was able to pull them away before their small bodies collided with the bicycle. Both the kids were on top of me when their mother came running toward me. They took them saying thank you to me. The kid on the cycle apologizes too.

"Sage" Sophia came running towards me and helped me stand up but a groan left my mouth when I felt pain in my ankle. I tried to walk but I couldn't as I felt more pain in my ankle.

"I think you have sprained your ankle," Sophia said, looking at my wincing face.

"There is a hospital across the road," a woman informed us.

"We should go there or it will swell badly," Sophia said while taking me there even when I said it was not needed. Sophia filled out the form and then the nurse told us to go to room number twenty-seven. Sophia helped me to walk in as the doctor was busy with some files but when he looked up his eyes widened in surprise and mine too.



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