Chapter 33

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***Sorry for the late update I have been busy for a few days and I will update the Stolen Secretary ***

Here I was going to be the third wheel again.

I exhaled in distress and followed them with my head held low, lost in my thoughts as I didn't want to be with them anymore but I had no other choice. I turned and looked back when I stepped down from the last step to see if someone was still standing at the door so I could bail myself out of this situation. But to my dismay, Izzy was still standing at the door and when she saw me looking at her she waved me bye with a big smile on her face. I gave her my faint smile while waving back and turned to walk towards the car with slump shoulders. I thought he would protest this idea of going together but he didn't even say a word and walked out making things difficult for me. I walked towards his car, still lost in my thoughts. When I was only a little away from the car I saw both of them sitting in front. I kept looking at them debating with myself whether I should sit or not. 

"Get in the car fast, we don't have a whole day," he said rudely as he saw me standing but not making any effort to get in the car. It made me glare at him. 

"If he didn't want to drop me he should have said it before. I would have happily called a cab. I'm not dying to be the third wheel here" I muttered in my mad voice as I heard him. I increased my pace and walked towards the front seat window. 

"You guys can leave, I will take a cab," I said, mostly looking at Grace as I didn't want to see his face anymore and go with them after seeing his rudeness. As I said those words his gaze darken on me. But I ignored him as I had been doing it for most of the day. He was still glaring at me. Hearing my words she looked at me with a frown on her beautiful face before she could say anything I turned and started to walk away from them. Not wanting to have any conversation over it. Even before I could reach five steps away from the car I heard the door of the car opening and then getting closed loudly. It made me flinch in my place at a sudden loud sound and before I could process anything my hand was grabbed in a hard grip. He turned me around to make me look at his angry face while his grey eyes glaring down at me made me look at him with little stunned eyes. 

"Get in the car nicely," he said in the same commanding tone and forcefully made me walk towards his car, opening the door and making me sit in the back seat. I wanted to argue and get out of the car but I shut my mouth as I saw Grace looking at us with confusion visible in her light hazel orbs. I was not surprised after looking at that expression on her face. I would have the same look on my face if I saw my soon-to-be husband acting like this with his male employer. His actions had made her look at us in that way but she didn't say anything and looked in front as a grey-eyed monster took his seat and started driving the car. 

Most of the time I choose to keep quiet and look out of the window as Grace keeps talking. Grace was telling him about her recent business trip and he was responding to her. That didn't even shock me but what shocked me was that he was polite unlike when he talked with me. Their conversation continued with small laughs of Grace filling the car. Grace even tried to talk with me but I just answered yes and no. From time to time I felt him looking at me from the front view mirror. It made me mockingly smile at myself and roll my eyes in annoyance. I don't know what bad deeds I did in my past life to get myself to work for him. What was making me angrier was I very clearly told him not to touch me again. But he didn't take my warning seriously and did what his arrogant self wanted. 

"It's so hot, nowadays," Grace said, pulling me out of my thoughts while looking at the beaming sun. It made me look out the window. She was right, it was getting hot and after stepping out of the air-conditioned room it felt even hotter. 

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