Chapter 4

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I don't know why but her excited words were giving me a bad feeling. 

I looked at her broad smile with wide furrowed eyes as they were giving me a feeling of uneasiness. I have seen this smile on her face many times in my life on this earth. Every time she smiled like this we were in great trouble. I was feeling like soon I'm going to be in more trouble than in the past. 

But the mischief in her eyes dims a bit as she sees my state. I was standing in front of her drenched in mud. My face was too covered in mud water. I shivered a bit as the cold breeze from the open window touched my wet body.

"Who are you? How did you enter this place" she shouted in panic as she was now looking at me with wide eyes. "Oh God, why do you have my friend's keys? What did you do to her" she exclaimed in her panicked voice while trying to find something to scare me. 

"Sophia, calm down it's me," I said as I put the keys in the bowl. She moved her shocked eyes all over my frame like recognizing me. 

"Sage, What happened to you," she asked in her concerned voice while coming near me. As she came near me her furrowed gaze fell on the puppy I was holding in my hand who was now barking in a low voice like telling us I'm too present here don't forget me. 

"Oh, what do you have in your hands" Sophia exclaimed in her awe voice as soon as she saw a puppy in my hand. She instantly took him from my hand and lifted him towards her face to look at him properly. Compared to me he was doing great. There was not a single drop of mud water on him as I did my best to not let his already shivering body get damp. I moved my eyes all over the house. 

"Is Eric home yet?" I asked her in my hush voice as I didn't want him to kick my puppy and me out. It's one of his rules that pets are not allowed as he hates them. 

"No he has still not returned from the office," she said while cradling my puppy like a baby. He yawned as she rubbed his stomach. I looked at the wall clock and it was almost time for him to return home. 

I need to hurry inside my room before he finds us with a new member. 

"Aww he is so adorable," she said as the puppy yawned more as she looked at him lovely. 

"Let's go inside my room we will talk there," I said while taking her hand and pulling her in with me going inside I locked the door. 

"Now that we are inside tell me what happened to you. What kind of storm made you look like this and where did you get this cute little pumpkin" she said as she scratched the back of the ear of my new peat. 

"I will tell you everything first I need to take a bath. The mud on my body is making my skin itch" I said while taking my hair out of the hoodie cap. They were wet too. I need to wash them too. Sophia nodded her head as I took out my clothes to change into. "And don't let Eric see him or else he will kick three of us out at this instant," I said in my cautioned voice. 

"I know," she said with the same concern in her voice while trying to hide the puppy in her arms as if Eric's blue eyes had already found us. 

"Take this," I said while handing her my spare towel so she can wipe his little wet body and then wrap him in it. 

Taking my bathrobe I went to take a quick hot shower as I don't want to catch a cold. I scrubbed all the mud away from my face and the body. I then stamped and conditioned my long hair as I love them so much. I have kept my hair this long since high school. I take care of them more than my skin. 

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