Chapter 2

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"Our king's diner is sold," Dad said with a heavy heart. I felt the thunder from the angry sky was straight falling on me, shattering everything in my life. 

"W..what," I said while shuttering. I couldn't believe what dad said. How can it be true? It's our land. They are joking with me.  They are trying to pull my leg. "Are you guys trying to pull a prank on me?" I asked laughing nervously while looking at their faces. 

"Let me tell you it's a very bad joke," I said while still laughing nervously. But my heart sank more when they didn't say anything after listening to my words. From the look on their face, I knew they were not pulling a prank on me. " is it possible," I asked in my startled voice. 

"This place is ours, how can it be sold to someone without our permission," I asked in my panic-filled voice as all the things came crashing on me. Listening to my questions dad averted his eyes while moving his faces in another direction to hide the distorting emotion of his face. I could tell it was hard for dad to explain it so I looked at my mother with questioning eyes but she too had the same expression on her face. 

"Mom what is happening here," I asked in my cynical panic-filled voice while making her look at me. She looked at me with a pained expression. 

"Dear we mortgaged our property papers at loan shark to pay the tuition fees of your college" mom said in her small voice making the ground under my feet crumbled. The air out of my lungs was kicked out. I couldn't process these new pieces of life-shattering information. 

"B..but you guys told me you took a loan from the bank. Why did you guys lie to me?" I say in my pained voice. 

"Your college tuition fee was quite high and the bank refused to give us the loan as our restaurant was not working well at that time and we didn't want to break you, heart, you work so hard to get into that college. So we didn't have any choice but to mortgage our restaurant papers to loan shark" dad said while looking at me with a sad expression on his face. His words made me look at him with wide eyes. It hurts when your parents hide something this big from you. My whole body was shivering and it had nothing to do with my drench clothes. 

"But you guys always told me that interest to the bank was always paid on time whenever I tried to give you guys some money for It from my part-time job. Why didn't you guys accept that money? Why didn't you guys tell me you were facing a problem returning the money?" I asked in my hurt voice as I didn't know what to do anymore. 

"Sage '' mom said in her painful voice while moving her hand on my back. "We were facing problems in starting as the interest rate was high but past few years we were paying it on time but the loan shark illegally sold our land because he was gaining huge profit out of it," mom said while sobbing a little. 

"It's illegal. He can't sell our property like that we should go to the police," I said again in my angry voice. 

How can he do this without our permission? This land is ours and we will take it back. 

"It's of no use. They make you sign the papers which say they have full rights on the property before giving us money. We can't do anything, their whole business is illegal," dad said while looking at me. There were unshed tears in his eyes. I could tell it was so hard for him to see what he built with his blood and sweat slipping out of his hands like sand. I looked at their sad faces of mom, dad, and Elijah. 

How am I supposed to get them out of this? 

This thought increased the anxiety inside me.  

"What should we do now," I said while slumping in the chair beside me feeling the whole energy getting sucked out of me with each passing second. My whole world was crumbling in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it. 

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