Bad habits

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Ok stop

Just leave that bad habit and go for the good ones.

Even if you don't have a good one, make a new one.

Do the fun stuff let the child in you bloom in secret

Clean your house, listen to music dance while you're listening to your favorite songs, make sure that feeling is special, and let it through the sadness inside of you.

Love your self, my friend, because no one will love you more

Live today my pal because no one knows if we are staying for tomorrow.

Don't forget your god my sister because he isn't forgetting us

Smile at everyone you see, give them positive vibes because a lot will use it for good I'm sure.

Don't worry everything will be ok

Don't worry even if you're alone
Even if your not happy
Even if everything is going in the wrong way.

Because within sadness there is always happiness.


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