Red lines

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They say:
Memories has a lot of effects on us

And that's true
But it depends on your redlines

What is a red line?

A red line is where all of your frustration, fear, failure, anger issue, a person, etc

And once a person knew about your red line they can't cross it because it's.......disrespectful?

Or that was it's supposed to be like

But some don't, they will do more than just cross it, they will Break it

Mostly it depends on your personality if you let someone pass it or not

I remember I tried to say no to a lot of people so they couldn't pass that line

But you can say I was more than shy to say a simple word like



Oh let me remember

There was a 15-year-old teen who was having a nice school day her name was Sam let's say,
when suddenly her cousin said that Her and Sam's little sister look alike and her name was Sharon let's say

While Sam said laughing
" pfft, you and my little sister look alike no way you guys are way different there is no similarity"

After that school day, Sharon never looked at Sam's face, so as a dear cousin Sam got worried about her and tried to figure out why is Sharon so...... sad?

Sharon was still cold towards Sam till the school day was ended and everyone went home

Until the clock hit nine quarter
That day A phone rang
And it was sam's older sisters phone

The older answered the call, it was Sharon's mom asking the older to hand over the phone to Sam

Sam was worried and nervous

Her aunt never calls her

Unless she wanted something for her benefit

Something like can Sam do for Sharon

Like homework
Taking sams gifts by force and giving them to Sharon
Giving up sam's desk and giving it to Sharon because she doesn't like hers
Taking sam's toys and promising Sam to give her a new one, but no they never did
And many many more amazing things

Sam took the phone and talked with a little bit of fear

"Hello, auntie how can I help you?"

While she questioned

"Sam is it true that today you told Sharon you are ugly and your little sister is prettier than her?"

Or we can say accused

Sam was confused more of a broken

That phone call lasted for a half-hour

Sams aunt called her many names

Such as
You don't know how to talk to elder people
Your sister is not prettier than my daughter
My daughter is way prettier ...

At that time you know what broke Sam the most

She was worried about Sharon

And Sharon lied about Sam as usual

Making her self the victim
And Sam turned out as the disrespectful girl of her dads family again

Sam's aunt crossed all the lines that day

Did she care?
Did she apologize?
Did Sharon apologize?

A simple answer for those questions
That Sam wished to say to Sharon when they were kids is


No, I can't give you my Seat
I don't care if she is my little cousin
I don't care if she cries because if I gave her my gift then I will cry too
I will be sad too
I will be different too
I...I ...I

What about Sam too?

Sharon and Sam didn't speak for three months

Until on March 17, five am in the morning of 2018 their grandma left this world with a tear in their eyes


Saying no to many people is a good thing

It's not bad, it will not make you weak but only stronger

This world is a filthy one and the human inside it is the main reason for that

No matter how good you were,
There will always be a one to make you cross every and each line

And to make you change

I don't know what did you get from That story

All I know is it was too late to say No

So don't make the same mistakes
Don't let anyone no matter who they were and no matter what they have or got, cross your lines

Because they will never do the same thing for you.

Remember you then everyone and everything

Because the only thing you'll be questioned about in your grave is you, your acts, your behavior.

So don't waste it on the ones who don't deserve it.


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