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They're not a weak object
Nor they are a weapon of hate.

They say that women have an enormous and great passion for everything.

As a woman myself, I say it's true

But some of us know how to hold that passion and affirm it in the right places as well for the right people.

And some decides to do the opposite.

We are multiple personalities and have thousands of mindsets.

We are judged in almost everything

The way we cloth up
The way we walk
The way we talk
The way we eat
The way we sit
If we are loud
Or we are too calm

If we catch too many eyes then we are less than a lady

And if we said "NO" for the things we didn't like or want

Then we are rude, or we are named an arrogant female

We can't speak in many places because we don't have the proper power or strength to bear the truth.

Some jobs are not made for us because we can't provide a better performance.

All of these points and however some people never understand that women have the same rights as men.

We are different in many ways

Nevertheless, that don't give anyone the right to decide on our behalf.

I don't hate men
Nor I'm a feminist

But a fact is a fact, and no one gets to change that.

I see how some people stare and judge me, because of the way I choose to live my life.

Yet I'm not afraid because I know I'm right, and they're not strong enough to tell their lies up to my face because they know they're wrong.

Women are great

They are a pride to every individual

Because I know a woman, who makes me happy every day

And she teaches me the right words and roads to choose

She learned me to not give up

Taught me not to be weak
To fight for my rights no matter who stands up against me

That woman is my mom

Who does every job possible, and yet I never heard her complain about it.

Just because one of us was a bad influence and didn't have a great personality

Don't make all of us the same.

Wise women make a better future

And the wrong ones destroy the future.

Like I said earlier
"We are thousands of mindsets"

But we are not weak
We are strong as the mountains
bright as the sun
We Shine like the stars
And can...
No, will defat anyone if we wanted to.

So stop the uneducated idea of saying
"Women's place is at home"

No, our place is our choice

Because if it wasn't for women then none of us were ever born.


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