The amount of versions

2 1 0

The many versions we are...

This sentence came across me the other day and made many memories flash back to my brain

And reminding me that I'm not always the same personality with everyone around me

well of course based on the people surrounding me I'm defined as what they see from my actions toward them

And it made me realize
That I don't see myself
I don't see my actions
I can't hear my tone
Or My facial expressions

But I remember what I thought I did

There are many missed memories of us with a lot of Situations

That's why we are miss understood
Or mistreated maybe?

But we always know who we are
But people know us through what they saw

And a lot of us get lost in between those two observations

And it made me realize

We need to know who we are first, so when we lose everything
The only important thing doesn't get lost

Which is ourselves

In life, we get too much pain and suffering

And we always try to get out of it as fast as possible

We try to move on by telling the people around us

Then they won't care
We get hurt even more

We try to hide it by making everyone else laugh
But never make sure our hearts laugh

Then there are some people... which I personally hate the most

Try to get over their pain by
Hurting others
Mocking others
Reducing the personalities of others

And we never try to admit to ourselves that we are going through a phase and it's okay to give some time to ourselves and to relax

Or to process what happened
Why it happened
And just to simply learn from it

It took me nearly ten years to realize that

We might learn everything from the older ones

But there are things no one tells us

You just need to relax to understand some aspects of life

Not everything is a slap from god
But rather a gift
Or a blessing from him that is saving us from bigger sadness

But we are too ignorant
Too smart
Always with the knowledge that doesn't need the advice from others
And always the only one who gets hurt

We always think we are the only victims

And never remember that when god created the world
Everyone was created equally

So my advice is

Don't care about others
Just be kind for god
And most importantly
Don't be an arrogant person
Instead, focus on yourself
And don't show to anyone that you're less

But remember we are all here to learn.


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