Words from a memory

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Before six months ago

Me and my family went to do a COVID test.

the weather was

It took us 10 to 15 minutes to get there

A small health center

Field with all types of ages

I remember being tired
Just prying for the best

Then I realized
If I got positive in the test, then my chances of getting closer to death will be bigger

(Not that I'm complaining, it's my wish to get closer:)

But what will I leave?

I mean we are always close to death

By not knowing our times

But If I left:
Will god be happy to see me?
Will I go home?
Did I break anyone's heart?
Did I ever say something mean to someone?
If I did ,are they still mad?
Did they forgive me?







There is a saying

"If you knew how much will the people cry after your death, you be wishing to go back to care less"

I stopped thinking for a second turned my head up

And looked around

I saw the bigger picture of life
The picture that we always skip when we talk about our lives

I saw that one day I will get old too

Saw that a child can make everything fun by their imaginations

Saw that human can cooperate with each very easily by two nice words or simply a truthful smile

Then I looked at my side
Where me, mom, dad, my two sisters were

I realized this moment is very precious to be wasted

And to be wasted for what?
Some people who didn't even care when I got hurt or sick.

We spent six hours there

Met great people in a place where all kinds of disease were gathering

But how is that?,you might say

It's very simple
We all knew we were tired
Sick, needing help
So we made it easier for each

Simply by Being kind

Indeed, the world is not always a rainbow
Where it rains the steps of getting it might get closer

Look at your day in the positive parts
It will get better I promise
Thank god each day
Because he says
"If you thanked me I will give you more"

We tested negative for Covid on that day thank god

(But still, we stayed 30 days at home for everyone's safety)

And spend a nice day

It might not have been the best

But a memory worth telling for sure

But Maybe sometimes the terms

to live an amazing memory

wonderful life
and gorgeous roads is not to plan for it to

, except where you don't know what to expect

to wait when you don't know what to wait for
and live when you know there are better ways and days
For tomorrow and today.

Idk how to say this

" coughs weirdly"

But anyways I'm just going to say it

Thank u all for 200 reads and hopefully will get more🤍🤍

But the most important point for me
Is to make your days better even if it was with a small amount

What's your thoughts about my writing

And please comment so I could get to know you guys I'd love that

" throws all shapes of hearts with a big smile "

I think that's all soooooo

See y'all till the next part


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