Out of being you

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Making someone like you is hard when you are trying to act like someone who is nothing like you

I've been there
And I've tried to make a lot of ones to like me for being someone different from my personality,

And it worked, but I wasn't comfortable or satisfied

Because I had to make every
Moment, jokes, smiles, and many other acts...fake.

You might think like
"But I like this person,

What if they loved/liked someone else and got out of my hands,

I'm not acting different I'm just trying hard to get what I like."

First of all, they are not an object so we can have or get them.

Second, if they didn't like you for who you are then they'll never like you for who you pretending to be.

In cases like this, don't close your mindset in one place or chance

The world contains more than seven billion souls
And it definitely doesn't stop at one or two

And this case will pass, and you might even laugh about it when you remember it at an older age

And of course, every new emotion at first hurts

Rather it was useful or not
Because we are not used to it

And everything, in the beginning, is hard, but with time it will get easier.

Try to love yourself first
Put yourself first
Your heart, your smile, your joy, your life


Because will have many to like
But we will only have us to love.

And our main problem is that we think we always need to prove something to everyone

Like I'm also great
I'm as well cool
I'm as well sarcastic

And the truth is no... you don't
The only thing you need to prove is being you is enough

And that should be like a painting with an iron frame inside of our brains, so we could never forget it.


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