Not giving up

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"Every chapter of our lives has a difficulty, and not every time we can solve it by hurting or killing ourselves selves it only needs big faith in God and by the time it will fade away..."

Sometimes when A big exam comes to our ways, we think that we aren't capable of doing anything right, and when the exams became harder we think ending our lives it will get better or easier.

But if we put ourselves together, thought better
And gave amazing ideas, we can go through them.

All it needs and takes just a little patient and we'll be strong enough within each day.
How can we be strong enough?
Make your faith in god bigger
And I can promise, you will win and pass hard times.

It will not be easy
Because if it was you wouldn't know the test of winning

It depends on how much faith you have in god
Just remember if wanted to quit
what will you earn?
More free times?
Or more bad thoughts?

Just remember no matter how hard it was or could get
They will be over one day
And when it does, you'll know you did everything that you could do
You will be glad and happy

But if you didn't
Regret will be the next story to the chapters of your life.

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