The fool who cries

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I wish I could've written this chapter when it ended, but as a person who tries to live realistically, this chapter of my life is still ongoing...

I know I talked about friendships and life lessons a lot before

In such a way where I thought I had life figured out and that I knew what l was doing

But when I started a chapter where I began the transformation from a kid to an adult's mindset hurt me as if I was falling from a high Cliff

But somehow I'm still determent that I'll go through this one as well

Because I believe that Sam can do this one too.

My aunt once told me
"In life, we will meet a lot of people and think that they're that one friend for us but we will get hurt and hurt till we find a few ones that will stay with us till life ends."

There were moments when I had friends... or what used to be a friend
That Hurt me that much where I had to relive that moment again and again just to see if I did anything wrong towards them.

Then I'd try to make things work with them because I didn't want to ruin the friendship

I used to give them excuses like

" oh maybe she is having a bad day or she has family issues and it's tuff on her

I should be there for her
I should be a good friend and forgive her ..."

Endless thoughts that to this day never left my mind

One thing I learned from that friendship

We were never friends

Just because we had small talks and laughs does not make us friends

Some people will do great under the naming of collimates

And to be honest it was my fault from the very beginning

Because I didn't listen to my mom when she told me to stay away from her or them

Like they say
"Moms have the sixth sense"

But my lesson from that relationship was

No matter how close you think you're to a person
And I mean never let anyone make you feel less
Never let them make you lower yourself only because of their low social level 

And last don't be the fool who cries for fools

Because only fools will cry over the people that god took them out of our lives

Because god knows the right people to keep in our lives and the ones that hurt us.

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