manipulative people

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I have seen acts from a few people who I thought were kind and modest


The truth was said in a very clear way from the hate in their eyes.

manipulative people.

I've read more than a book about them, and yet never could I seem to understand them

You'll never know when they're telling the truth or when they're being complimentary.

The fact I've been living with people that have such a personality is very harmful and irritating.

There was someone I've known for three years now, they're very nice and good to you until they realize that you're one step ahead of them

Although they have everything much better than you do, they never seem to know it or appreciate it.

They'll steel your friends
Make you feel ugly and kinda look like you have a bad personality
And will come to you when you're happy and will try to turn that happiness into grief and indignation.

They'll try ... no not try ...they'll make you less than them if takes them too

So that they can feel satisfied, knowing they're better.

They never laugh realistically, and when they accidentally show their true face, they'll get terrified.

My advice is to stay away from these types of people

Even if it takes you to be lonely
Because like they say
"Being lonely is better than being left alone."

That way you'll protect your pride and self from being hurt.

Don't try to beat or defeat them
Because they're already broken.

And if they came to you or you had to spend time with them, then you'll just have to get along and never show them any part of your true personality.

I'm not saying lie or fake anything, no don't show them your goals and happiness or secrets, because they'll use it against you in such a way you'll turn into the bad guy.

Yes, they can and will do that.

Be someone careful around them, let them do the most talking, and you the fewer agreements.

But never changed your kind and modest heart because such of people, because at the end of the day and at every time, everywhere, everything, the cleanest always wins the fight

I'm not just saying, I'm sure and I know

Because good people are the purest people whom to live, and the best ones yet so ever.


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