Big sparks

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If I may say
That till this day
That hardest part was to be mean...

Never in my life, I was, but people make you ruin your Own kindness by words,


I don't know

Maybe they're just who they are
Maybe they were born like that
Maybe they're just mean or jealous.

But you know who I'll blame?


Because if we were strong enough
Wise enough
Tough enough

We wouldn't have let them affect us so easily

And if I could go back in time and advised myself

I'd have said:
"Don't be dumb and cry all day long, they're living and you not just get over it."

"What you'll get mad again at them?, you think they care?"

"Get your ass up and be stronger so what if they hurt you, you can still walk ... even if you couldn't you'll learn again, again, and again till the next day comes because your heart still Beats."

"Let me hug the sadness with love, don't blame yourself you're not wrong, and always be kind don't let anyone play with that small head of yours."

I'm not an angel

But I know when we were born our hearts were white.

And I know I'll make more mistakes, but what I'll be working on from now on...

Fixing my head and heart
Walking through the path that God made for me

And will be living my life not like them

But even better
And that's the big spark

"Being strong when it comes to your weakest point "

So... who will you be living?


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