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Four letter making a word and a world

Love is not defined yet for me
At least, not once

If we asked people what is love
They might say

Love is :

Love is love
An emotion
Not important
Something dumb
Waste of money or time

And many...many...more to say

But really what is love?

From my perspective way of watching and reading and seeing actions of love, I'd say it's

Not defined.


Because love isn't just a word, it's more and less depending on the places and persons they're at

For example
Loving food
Or a person

Big difference right?

It's something hard, it could cross your heart without knowing, hurt you in the cruelest ways.

Love is wired I have to say

It's like a drug, it can make you the happiest at a moment and the saddest at the same time

All I know love is more than just a soulmate

It can be family
Or maybe the most favorite "them"

Half of the population thinks of love in that way

They think being in love is just a one-time thing
And it only happens when we see them or either be with them

To be honest I don't believe in love

Maybe because I haven't found "the one" that everyone talks about

Or the fact I'm not exactly excited about the whole idea

I'm single it's obvious
But that doesn't mean I'm not in love

I love myself
And My family

-she feels like a five-year-old kid in a kindergarten when they ask them who do you love ..laughs silently-

But just to clarify that it's not conditional

Like they say

"In love and war, there is no rule"

And I say that's true

It's sure an amazing thing
But harmful at the same time

If I wanted to speak about the thoughts of love, then I would have write a whole book about it

But if I had to write about the idea of love, then I can finish it in one sentence...

Love is you, and the way you see yourself.


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