Where to begin

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Be happy.

Is a very easy sentence to say, but our actions make others feel the opposite.

And it's ok, as long as you don't do it again.

Human beings are not angels, and that's something that makes us special and different from other beings

If we made mistakes we can learn from them.

If we hurt someone, we will apologize.

And if we didn't make it the first time, then every day is a second chance.

But remember to never quit.

Ok now let's all of us imagine someone who is very successful in our present day.

They look very pretty, cool, intelligent, and bright.

Well ....think about this as well one day they were someone that nobody noticed, but what makes every successful person different from us is that they never stop.

They never gave up

And as should we.

keep on going if you're walking, running, jumping, rushing... anything really

Because there isn't a law for success, only one thing, and it's to never give up.

I know sometimes we feel there is something is out there waiting for us so that we can start living

But no

Stop fooling yourself, that's just an excuse to rest more, and to delay today's work for tomorrow.

I'm not a very successful person myself, I do everything so that I don't study most of the time.

And sometimes I study as if my life is depending on it.

Nevertheless, I delay everything till there is no time

(Then at that time she starts to cry and shouts saying "WHY AM I SOOO USELESS")

And that's not a good thing I know, but hey like I said before

Life gives us a chance every day, so remember to take each one.

Even if you need to start now, go for it

As long as you're breathing, then there is still a shot for all of us.


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