Easier than racism

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Some signs feel weird
Making us wondering

Is life always this hurtful?

Strange right?

We human make things harder for our selves but never easier

By defining everything for everyone and anything

For example being white is right and being black is a sin

Said by who?

Said by a person who thought that's a better way for the world

And it's Followed by fools I say

Another one, like being thin and kinda short long hair, amazing skin, a light one and blue, green eyes is a standard of beauty

Again said by who?
And defended by whom?

It's defended by a person who thought of beauty by a one person and everyone thought is the right thing

But Is it right?

I mean do we follow these rules?

I thought men kind were born free?

Well hopefully it's not

Every color is beautiful
Every size is amazing

Because matter a fact those outside pictures dose not defined our inner beauties

Well I used to think like" oh I feel ugly I'm fat and too tall and nobody's going to like me"

But year by year I changed

Because it doesn't matter what people think and says

What matters what we like and love about our selfs

So love each ugly and beautiful things about your self because no one will if you didn't

Being beautiful on the inside is what matters the most

Smiling to a stranger for making their day

Being kind to everyone to feel that we are there for each

Unfortunately, there are a lot of wrong measurements for a -right environment- and we follow it most of the times although we know it's wrong

Life is very short to be lived with wrong rules

So let's make life easier for me and you and every individual on earth

By not being racist

By loving everyone
And advising the wrong ones

So we could live Happier
And easier

Like they say

-Be your own kind of beautiful...


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