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Yeah, so they left you didn't they?

And you got sad too, right?
you're feeling lonely

Everyone hates you

And Oh my god

No one will be the same as them

You'll never be loved again
And lastly, everyone will hurt you as they did


Well, that's not the closure, isn't it?
It will not end there, is it.

Because Every

Is a rise for a stronger you

They say each time has its moments


There is a type of flower called (moonflowers)
They bloom for an entire night under the moonlight each year

So some moments are the same
Sometimes they bloom in grey
Sometimes in pink
And white

But they aren't for ever
Each and every color is temporary
Maybe for a minute or more
Maybe less

So don't let those few minutes or hours picture your days

It will do you no good
But worse

It makes you anxious
Gives you insomnia.

Yes it does hurt

It hurts that much when you wish if you could just leave the pain and disengage the soul

It hurts that much where you wonder if you ever made sin towards them

Sometimes when they throw some shades and leave us with shame not knowing one day that shade is darker on them because life is a circle

And it turns on every good and bad.


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