Devo farmi le ossa

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I don't need to make everyone I know as... me
I'm me and that's what makes me pretty

Let them make fun of you

Because it's only a matter of time when you'll be seeing them running towards you asking
How did you do it?

We don't need to make another one the star or main role of our

This is our ways
And this is our decisions

It's ok to ask here and there for good advice, to learn
Not to become another one of two

And you know what
Making mistakes is the best part of every step we take

To fall and get up again
It will only help to see your road clearer

Don't let anyone make loose your positive vibes, your good ideas, your amazing personality

Because that what makes you, you

Like they say

"Live a life that is worth to tell."

Since I was a kid till now I cared about a lot of thoughts and tried to change myself to be suitable with those thoughts, to be lovable

I thought if I did what they told me to do would make me be their friends and they would see me as one of their favorite persons

But all I got and made was a fake personality and sad memories

There is a pearl of wisdom why no one is the same

Because each and every different
And thought

Make a good change to a better future

Just make sure you don't believe In these fake looks

I've been with a lot of fake people
And all I can say about them is
I feel sorry for them
They are never happy
They are trying to make others mesmerized by the photos and pictures on social media
Their thinking of life is very small
And dumb to be honest

Because they think
The pretties are the coolest
The calmest is the most foolish
And the richest is of course the smartest and most intelligent person

Like I said don't be fooled by them
Because they are everything but happy...

Life is short they say and it's true
But you live it in the best way

Learn everything
Make new changes
Good memories
Take a deep breath and run towards your dreams

Because you're not alone in the race of life dear.

There is a saying in Italy

"Devo farmi le ossa"


Building my bones by myself...


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