lighted up skies

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They say each year passes and you'd say I wish it never passed.

Well for me I wouldn't say that, because like I always say, I learned a lot, I grew a lot

But I saw my weakest.

October, first, 2022

It all started there and yet it never ended

It was a loop

Day after day

Weeks became endless hours
And sometimes hours became speeded days

I didn't know what to held
How to fix every broken heart
I didn't know how to heal my scars

But what hurts the most
I didn't know where and to whom to cry.


I decided to let go
Let go of my friends
My emotions
My self

To focus on my family
Because they needed me

But no matter how hard I used to try nothing became better

Nothing was easier

It led to a point where I didn't realize my pain

I didn't know what was hurting me

And I want to say
"The worst thing in a disease is not knowing the cure for it,
But the worse is not knowing how to identify the disease so you could heal it."

So I knew something was wrong

And I told me
" if I need to help them, I have to help me first."

I learned to figure out what was making my heart feel heavy

And how?

I started talking to myself to god as well

And I used to talk about my day from top to the end

Sometimes it wasn't just about my day, it was about a painful past as well

And what made me cry

I knew it hurt the most

And what didn't
I knew it wasn't very important.

And this method helped me

To know what were the important events in my life

And what my time should be wasted at.

Nothing became easier

But I became stronger

I knew what was the disease
And I found the cure

What was left

Me protecting myself, so I could not get sick again.

Your mental health is something very important

Don't underestimate it, and most importantly

Don't run away from your problems in life

Because no matter how far you leave, you'll find the same problems

And you can either fix it

Or you could just ignore it till it paints a beautiful hole inside of your brain then you become a professional overthinker... and you're welcome.

( I'm just joking, but seriously be a man a face your problems dude :). )

And remember nothing lasts forever

And after every dark night there's a sun lighting up the skies.


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