Older Sam

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Catching the parts of my broken body
Asking myself
"Will I be the way I used to be?"


The days of the months been marked as it goes by day by day

And dust covered my book as my time was full because of how I couldn't manage to do what Sam used to do.

As I look back at those days
And compared it to now, I feel that new responsibilities are coming upon my shoulders

Where do people consider me as an ...well ... an adult?

A week ago, I was with my family watching old videos, and I saw little Sam

The way she was always smiling and complaining... and still was friends with her older sister

When I was watching her, I never thought of how I was not her anymore

But I always managed to make her in every chapter of my life

That's why I never felt her leaving my side

But it all changed when I realized

That I'm older now
I'm the big sister of my family, and myself

Im not saying I'll do the right things all the time
I'm saying

That I lived great chapters as little Sam

And now is the time for young Sam to live

To see her side of her story
To let the younger ones see their time as little ones.

When we get older
The blue sky turns gray or
We see the shades of its colors

As we saw the faces of new and old people that used to be in our lives

When we get old
The green grass that we used to walk or run on with bare feet

It is somehow the place of dirt and other diseases now we prefer to wear something as we're walking on them

Our perspective of life changes
And things tend to change in such a way we used to hate back in the days

Or in such a way, like I used to say
" I hate boys. I wish there were no men alive. "

" I wonder when I will meet my best friend, my life partner."

Do I hate the change?


Can I change that change?

Because I love and hate that change

Now I'm overthinking
Being near to negativity

But it will be okay
Because it's not the end of the day

I understand my parents now
When they say they're tired

Maybe it's time for them to rest
And time for me to help

I owe them that.

And I'm the future this will be the memories of older Sam.


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