The weird people

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We never knew the value of what we had yesterday

Until we lost it today.

College for Sam was the hardest period of her life

Until the third stage.

Let's go back for a few months before the third stage

As always Sam was nervous because of the thought

"No one truly likes me mom because IM TOO DAMN WIRED!!"

Yes to this day Sam still thinks that way

But during the second stage, she found her people, as she likes to call them

"My weird people."

They were really precious to Sam because she had the happiest times with them

If they didn't study
They wouldn't study together

If they wanted to go somewhere
They would fight and laugh until they went home

If Sam was loud
They were louder

That's why Sam was happy with them

Although they'd fight every day and mock each, in the end, they'd come back to the same place

The café

because we wanted to buy Italian Carmel iced coffee.

'It would always test worst every time we bought it

Time passed until the finals came,

They all failed together

Sam got sad

Because it was her first time failing, so throughout the summer sam studied every day till she passed the second stage.

But her " weird people" didn't.

Although Sam told them day and night to study

But like they say
"Winds don't blow to what ships desires."

Sam was happy because she passed, but she wasn't that happy because she was alone for the next stage

She was the only weird one left now.

So... sam did the craziest thing ever

She didn't stay at the same place as they used to be

She changed classes, because if there weren't them, then for Sam there was no one left there.

Although college was one of the worst places for Sam

But somehow they made it better for her.

Some things are not in our hands to change in this world

Although we give bits of advice and try to stick to places

But at the end of the day, it will not be the same way as we wished for.

Maybe it was for the best

Maybe something better comes.

But for Sam memories were her true best friend

And acts of the past were her lessons for today

Although she is the only weird one now

She is still positive about the future

Because everything happened for a good reason

If not...

Then at least she had a great time.


Her Roads Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora