Chapter 15

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"Don't worry about it. It's good to dress up on days like this. Now, hold out your hand." Misaki smiled down at the younger girl as he placed an iron pair of scissors in her hand.

The girl inspected the scissors in her hand, her face painted with curiosity as she spoke.

"Is something happening?"

"I'm taking a photo with my students today."

The sound of other children occupied your blank thoughts, but you still couldn't withdraw your eyes from the two in front of you.

"Oh, there you are! All right, everyone line up!"

The teacher and his students made their way up the stairs, preparing themselves for the picture. You remained where you were, your body felt planted to the floor as if you're legs became one with the ground below you.

"Hey, Sensei, why are we taking the picture here? Shouldn't our group photo be at school?" One student asked.

"A girl's ghost haunts this place. I've seen her." Another chimed in.

The children continued to add on to the topic of a girl's ghost, all except one student. The girl who had gotten her hair cut by Misaki, hid from the others, slowly fading away from existence.

"This is a good spot for it." Misaki started, pausing shortly for his students to add in their questions and claims.

"Come on, now, face front." The children agreed and followed his order, showing their bright smiles for the photo.

Misaki looked over to the side, his smile flattened but then appeared fondly again. He reached out towards a stone fox statue, caressing it softly.

"You too."

With a slight pull, the girl had reappeared, a look of astonishment sparkled in her eyes but she quickly adapted and matched the other students faces with a smile.

With a flash of light, everything in front of your eyes faded away, you noticed that a photo had made its way towards you, raising your arm gently, you plucked it from the calm morning air.

"That girl... she looks just like—"

"The Second Wonder of your school? You do have a keen eye, Y/N."

Again you heard Misaki's voice, but this time it sounded much closer than before. Turning your body, you are met again with the soft smile of the Second Wonder's past teacher, Misaki.

"She never did change, did she? I'm sorry, on my behalf, for all of the trouble she has caused you and your friends."

You looked back at the photo and frowned, it remained quiet between the two of you for a moment, but you gathered the courage to finally speak.

"I... I wish I had done more... To help her." You began, looking off into the forever lasting distance.

Misaki hummed softly, looking down at you with a curious look.

S o u l  ★ C o n n e c t i o n s: TBHK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now