Chapter 19

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"Watch out!!"

With little time to think, you jump into action. Your legs move quickly as you reach for Yashiro, pulling her away from the monstrous mass beside her.

You successfully hold her in your arms bracing yourself for the impact of hitting the floor. Thankfully, that impact never came; instead, you were greeted by the soft yet firm body of Kou.

"Y/N-Chan!? Minamoto-Kun?!"

Yashiro's confused cries abruptly cut off once she realized why exactly the two of you jump to her rescue.

"I-It's me...?"

You protectively stood in front of Yashiro while Kou readied his weapon,

"Damn it! Bring it on!"

A bright and strong force of electricity came from his staff, he swung it in front of him, preparing to attack... But nothing but a spark came from it.

"Oh, I forgot! Damn Hanako!!" 

Yashiro covered her eyes, shuffling closer behind you while Kou grabbed the golden strands of his hair, also while shuffling behind you. Even if you were the only other one with special abilities, you've only used it once, and you're still unsure about being able to use it again.

 Everything seemed doomed until a familiar ghost appeared in front of you.

"You called?"

It was Hanako. He smiled playfully at the three of you.

 You felt a rush of hope fill your body the moment you saw him, it faltered a bit when the monstrous copy of Yashiro roared, sending hundreds of dark butterflies your way. Without waiting for another second, Hanako flipped behind you to face the monster, he pulled out his trusty knife and lunged towards the beast.

He swiftly slashed the monster, and it soon dissipated into more dark butterflies.

"Hey, you three!"

Hanako smiled happily and transformed back into his original form. You hadn't even realized that he was in his true form due to how quickly he came to your rescue.

"Hanako-kun... you came to save us?"

Yashiro asked worriedly, stepping away from behind you to get a better look at the apparition. Without a word, Hanako floated between you and Kou and squeezed himself in the small gap.

"What?" Kou asked with a slightly irritated look. 

In response to the question, Hanako wrapped his arms around your neck, his favorite/usual spot to hug you.


You smiled at the boy's antics and hugged him back, you were unsure of why he hugged you so suddenly but didn't question it. It was something you were used to at this point.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

Another voice sighed, exasperated. You turned to see one of the school's teachers, he rubbed the back of his head and bent down to pick up a red book from the floor.

"S-Sensei?! What are you doing here?"

Ignoring Yashiro's question, the teacher flipped through the red book. Your eyes widened as another monster, similar to Yashiro's but looked like the teacher, appeared behind him. Despite that, the teacher continues to quietly flip through the book with a frown. 

S o u l  ★ C o n n e c t i o n s: TBHK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now