Chapter 5

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"A... Price?"

Hanako nodded, smiling darkly at you before turning back to your fish friend.

"Wh-What kind of price?"

"Who knows? But I'll let you live the bare minimum of a normal life."

You couldn't tell if he was thinking of tricking the gullible girl or not. The spiritual chain connecting your souls didn't seem to change at all, so you decide to trust him for now.

You quietly watch as Yashiro begs Hanako to be human again.  Hanako smiles and flips the mermaid scale, he catches it swiftly and proceeds to place it on his tongue.

"In that case... I'll have you pay me.."

"With your body."


You helped Yashiro clean up the mess left in the classroom and bid her farewell.

She must still have a lot on her mind regarding what happened today...

But still, I've never actually seen a physical bond of two souls. When Hanako-Kun swallowed the mermaid scale, I instantly saw their spiritual connection.

Is that why the chain link between their souls looked a bit different than what I usually see?

"I wish I could ask someone... I'm still a bit confused."

"Confused with what?"

You flinched in surprise when you heard the voice, Hanako's voice. You couldn't even feel his spiritual pressure, up until he spoke.

"N-Nothing. I thought you'd be back in the bathroom..."

He smiled cheekily and pinched your cheek.

"Aww did you forget already? We had a date!"

You blinked in confusion, then you remembered. You had promised Hanako that you'd explain to him what happened between the two of you today.

"Ah! Of course. I'll tell you, let me walk you back to the old building."

"Wow Y/N-chan! You really know how to treat a guy. I've never felt so cared for!"

He teasingly smiled as he hugged you, you patted his head softly and pulled him off of you.

"Let's hurry before it gets too dark. I wouldn't want to run into demons on my way home."


You walked down the empty hallways with Hanako, the sun was halfway done with setting and the school was silent.

"Hmm okay, let me ask you this first."

"How come when you stepped foot into the bathroom, I could feel some kind of connection. Are we soul mates?"

You chuckled a bit, hiding your growing smile from him. Shaking Your head you began to explain.

"I doubt that we are soulmates... We just have a soul connection. I can connect with pure souls. Despite the sins you've committed in your life."

Hanako froze, his demeanor growing dark. You stopped and looked at him, confused about why he had changed so quickly.


"Do you know about what I have done? What I did when I was alive?"

You stared at him, even more confused than before.

"No... And I won't ask you about it either. It's none of my concern."

Hanako's face lit up, he didn't look like his normal self, but he did have a bit more light in his eyes.

"The souls I connect with most likely have unfinished business in the world of the living. But I didn't get that feeling from you."

"I'm not sure what you did, but I do know that you've been given another chance. Things like that are extremely rare."

You smiled contently and looked out the window, watching as the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon.

"So I trust you. You seem like a nice person and I can te you're working hard to be redeemed. I won't ruin that for you."

You turn back to him, you couldn't read the look on his face. It was a mixture of astonishment and fear. You patted his shoulder gently.

"Come on. It's getting dark and you should get back to your bathroom. I'm sorry if I couldn't answer your question to the best of my ability."

Hanako smiled and hugged you, this time you felt more emotion pouring from his soul. You laughed gently and hugged him back.

"Thank you for being so understanding Y/N-Chan..."


S o u l  ★ C o n n e c t i o n s: TBHK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now