Chapter 6

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"Hanako, Hanako, Hanako... Can I please go home these toilets are grossing me out!"

You sighed and closed the book that you were reading. You've been visiting Hanako with Yashiro after school. At first, you thought that it would be a good chance for you to get some rest from helping other ghosts but...

"Not yet~!"

You've realized how loud these two can be when they put their minds to it.

"Please, there's something I must get gone today!"

"Hmm no. I've also got something for you to do when you're finished. Sounds like your only option is to clean faster."

"Not faaair! Y/N-Chan please help me out here!"

Yashiro took your hands in hers and looked at you with teary eyes. Hanako quickly wraps his arms around your shoulders loosely and shook his head in disapproval.

"Y/N is not my assistant! I won't allow her to work in your place. Besides, pretty girls shouldn't have to work hard labor!"

"Are you saying that I'm not pretty!?"

Yashiro grabbed on to Hanako's shoulders and shook him rapidly.

"You may be eternally young but I'm not! I'm in the prime of my life right now and I could be missing my big chance today because of yoouu!!"

"A chance for what!?"

Here we go again...

"Not trying to brag.. But I got asked out on a second date by Fuji-Kun, the coolest guy in my class!"

"A date!? What are you going to do? Naughty stuff?"

You didn't quite agree with his wording but you did want to know as well. Maybe Yashiro might have finally gotten a real date.

"We're going to organize student council paperwork in an empty classroom. Fuji-Kun is going to leave right away... Even though he invited me. He's so shy."

It's not really a date if the other person isn't there... Poor Yashiro.

"It's fine! I might be a convenient woman now... But I'll work my way up!"

"How... Optimistic." You sweatdrop and pat your friend on the head. Trying to lift her spirits even just a bit.

"I'm pretty sure he's just using you, though."

Hanako glides towards Yashiro and hands her the mop, speaking in a low tone, just above her ear.

"Come on, stay with us. I'll treat you a lot better than that guy will."

His words don't get through to her though, she's confident that she'd rather be alone than clean bathrooms.

"Fine. I guess you miss breathing through your gills."

Hanako grabs you by the hand and picks up Yashiro's fish tank.

"Come, Y/N-Chan, let's go buy some fish food."

S o u l  ★ C o n n e c t i o n s: TBHK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now