Chapter 1

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"Y/N-chan! Have you heard of this current rumor?"

You turn your head away from your book and smile warmly.

"Hm? What do you have for me today?"

Her classmate pulled her seat closer to your desk, clapping her hands together in excitement.

"Her name is Hanako-san, she haunts the old girl's bathroom. The seventh wonder of the school."

Y/N hasn't heard of this rumor before, despite it being very popular among the living sound of the school.

The student continues. "On the third floor and third stall of the old building, she haunts. If you knock three times she'll grant you a wish."

"But beware, she'll take something from you as payment."

Y/N gasped, her curiosity for this ghost growing stronger and stronger. She hangs on every word.

"That's so fascinating...! Do you think it's true?"

This other girl shrugs and stands up.

"I have no idea. But if rather not find out."

The girl waves goodbye and groups up with other students.

"I have to find out if Hanako-san is real..."

You look at the clock on the wall and smile, standing up from your seat.

"I think I'll have enough time for my visit."


Quietly, Y/N makes it to the old building. She couldn't sense any spiritual connections, but she made sure her spiritual aura came off as friendly.

"This is it... The old girl's bathroom."

You look around the room, it was dusty and smelled of old toilet water.
Y/N scrunched up her nose, but soon adjusted to it.

"I don't feel much of anything in here... Maybe she really is just a rumor..."

Just as you are about to leave, you run into another student. She has long cream-colored hair, that fades into a teal green. Her eyes are the color of magenta and she looks a bit timid. But the most fascinating this that catches your eye is her abnormally large ankles.

"A-AHH! A-Are you H-Hanako-S-San!?"

The girl hides her face behind her hands, slowly peeking out from between her fingers.

"Hm? No of course not! Don't worry I'm a human!"

The mysterious girl sighs, looking relieved and much less afraid than before.

"Are you here to make a wish from Hanako-san too?" The girl inquires, you smile lightly and shake your head.

"No, but I was a bit interested... Why don't you try? I'm sure Hanako will come for someone with an actual wish!"

The girl smiles back and nods, with her new gained confidence, she walks over to the third bathroom stall.

Y/N stays behind her, paying attention to a possible change of the atmosphere.




"Hanako-san, Hanako-san... Are you there?"

The air became cold, and an eerie silence filled the room.

The student grabbed onto your arm in fear, you jumped at bit from her touch but continued to pay attention to the change in the air.

Hopefully, she doesn't try to hurt this girl... I'm not sure if I'd be able to protect her if that were to happen.

As you stood there, you felt the air grow denser behind you, but before you could turn voice, an unknown male voice spoke out.

"Hello there!"

The both of you spun around to catch the potential user of that voice. But when you looked, nothing was there...

"Ha... I guess it was just our imaginations."

"Over here."

The student shivers at your side, slowly looking over you see a male ghost in an older school uniform.

"No!" The female student yelled as she tried miserably to push away the boy. But her hands only went through his body.

The girl fell to the ground and covered her face in fear. You stood there, staring at the boy with a mixture of fear and astonishment.

You shakily pointed at the ghost boy, you've seen ghosts his age before, big this is the first time you've felt such a strong spiritual connection. It almost felt like a chain link.

"Are you..."

The boy smiled and nodded.

"I'm an apparition. The seventh wonder of the school, Hanako-san of the bathroom."

Tipping his cap, he smiled down on you.

"Nice to meet you!"


S o u l  ★ C o n n e c t i o n s: TBHK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now