Chapter 21

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"Did he just... Respond to me?"

You thought to yourself. Your eyes widened when he turned to look towards you, your heartbeat thumped loudly in your chest.

"Amane! Watch out!"

The harsh sound of clattering chairs pulled your attention away from the boy, you tightened your grip on the side of the window and turned to look towards the commotion. Tsuchigomori had been the one to knock everything over in a frantic dash over to the window. He hastily reached out for Amane, looking only at him.

"Tsuchigomori can't see me... Was it just my imagination?" With a short huff, your heartbeat calmed down and you continued to watch the two interact in silence.

Ignoring his teacher's hysterical behavior, Amane smacked the man's hand away from him with a bored look.

"Hey, Sensei, you're worried about me, right?" Amane asked, crouching down into a more safe position on the windowsill.


"Then let me ask you one favor."

"Fine.." Tsuchigomori sighed, a warm smile gradually replacing his frown.

Amane grinned at the answer and placed the stone in his teacher's hand.

"Isn't this your treasure?"

"Yup. When I looked at this rock, I felt like I could go anywhere."

"But I've made up my mind not to go anywhere ever again."

The world around you slowly started to build itself back into the present, the feeling of emptiness started to fade away as well. But that didn't stop you from being hesitant to return, what Amane has previously said to you echoed in your mind, and you wanted to know why.

"Amane Yugi..." You mumbled the peculiar boy's name out loud, engraving it in your mind one last time.

Moments before the present finished establishing, the boy looked up at you, as if he heard you call out to him. With a small smile, he pushed you through the window, causing you to plummet into a bright light.


"Y/N-Chan...! You're awake!" You heard a familiar voice shouted.

A pair of soft hands held your own as you groggily sat up. Looking around, you had noticed that you were now in the infirmary, both Tsuchigomori and Yashiro seated next to you, waiting for you to awake.

"I was worried, you were asleep way longer than me. Sensei said that you were seeing the memories of the Yorishiro too." She explained.

You thought back to the young boy in your dream and nodded. You contemplated whether or not you should tell the two what had happened in the memory.

But ultimately decided not to.

"Hanako-Kun... Is he Yugi Amane?" You quietly asked, looking down at your arm in thought. That's where he had touched you before returning, the sensation was new, nothing you had experienced before.

S o u l  ★ C o n n e c t i o n s: TBHK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now