Q&A #1

300 16 65


For Alexis
- Do you think John is a nice dUDE

Alexis - *smiling* Yeah, he's super sweet

For John
- What made you want the piercings?

John - Rebellion and I look cool

For James

- Jamie, do you think that John would be great for Alexis?

James - Only Alexis can call me 'Jamie' and I don't know the guy very well but he's sweet to her *shrugs*

For Alexis
- Hi, Alexis! Just wanna say you look gorgeous and y'know, maybe let your hair down for John. I think he would go crazy (in happiness  chill)

Alexis - *blushing* Thank you!

For Martha
- Don't pester John about friends he's texting. I'm sure you're texting like 5 other guys with him.

Martha - It's none of your business

For John
- Have you ever considered dying your hair?

John - I considered dying the tips blue but Martha said I'd look like a trash can so...yeah.

For John and Alexis
- UwU or OwO?

Alexis - UwU

John -  -_-

For Alexis

- Feel free to tell John that you're transgender, he literally will not care one bit on what's down there. He needs a cuddle bug, that's all :)

Alexis - Thanks but...I can't

For Alexis

- You should really get those two to break up. It's not healthy and yOUUUU need a wedding with John.

Alexis - *blushing* I don't need a wedding with John. We're just friends and I'm not gonna push them apart. John says he's happy and I support him.

For James
- Are you currently seeing anyone?

James - No

(Should I bring Evelyn back?)

For Alexis


Alexis - Boredom :)

For John

- When are you going to start operation 'Mullette' ITS A MISSED OPPORTUNITY 

John - I'm trying but Laf keeps hitting on Alexis. I mean...who wouldn't. She's cute and funny and so smart. She's awesome.

For Laf

- Please tell me you'll start being nicer to Alexis

Laf - I am being nice! I'm just messing with her!

For Alexis
- If sorry you have to deal with Laf. He's a jerk. John is trying really hard to help you though! He cares about you!

Alexis - *smiling* I know

For John
- What's your sexuality? If you wanna answer!

John - I'm straight

For Alexis
- What is your style like?

Alexis - I think the closest thing would be what Americans call E-Girls but like a chill version

For Herc

- Do you just stay out of all the drama? Keep your boyfriend under control jeez-

Herc - *blushing* Yes and he's not my boyfriend.

For Laf 

 - Can you not be a dick and respect people?

Laf - I'm just messing with her! God!

For Martha

- I get where you are coming from but let's not look through our partner's phones every time you meet up, k sweetie? Also let's be respectful, I am legit warning you not to be a bitch because I would find you and it would be me, you, and my large variety of torture weapons. :3

Martha - Fuck you! Mind your business! He's my boyfriend!

For John

- Why do you have a French kink?

John - French k-I DON'T HAVE A FRENCH KINK! It's just...nice...Fine. Fuck you BUT IT'S ONLY WHEN ALEXIS DOES IT SO I DON'T THINK IT'S A KINK! Shut up!...Please don't tell her. She's already ignoring me-

For Alexis

- Please tell me you like someone-

Alexis - I don't know. *shrugs* Everyone on Nevis is pretty much transphobic so...

For John

- What's your favorite thing about Martha?

John - I don't know...She's pretty and she can be sweet sometimes.

For Alexis

- What's your favorite outfit?

Alexis - I don't really have girl's clothes but I have a favorite pair of sweatpants! They're really nice and soft and green!

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