Chapter Fifty One

Start from the beginning

"–Stop talking."

"Normani wait—"

"–Do not touch me." Whatever he saw in my expression was enough for him to let me leave. I gave up on finding my coat five minutes into the search or even trying to find Dinah who had my phone and just asked Louis to call Jackson for me.

"Just take my coat Mani."

"No because you're literally shivering. I'll be fine once I'm inside the car."

He sighed, "Are you sure you don't want me to come with?"

"I need to be alone for a little while. Just please find my coat and my phone for me when you're leaving?"

"Done, there he is. I love you, iMessage me when you get home."

Jackson opened the door for me and turned up the heat as soon as he got inside. "I take it the party didn't go so well."

"How can you tell?" He gave me a look that made me feel guilty despite my anger. "Sorry, I'm just not having the best night."

"Does it have anything to do with Dinah Jane?"

I sighed, "I'd rather not talk about it right now if that's okay with you?"

"Of course Miss Normani."

I shut my eyes and felt the tears rising to the surface almost as soon as there was complete silence in the car.

I sent a message to Louis as soon as I got home and noticed opened texts from Naveen. He FaceTimed as soon as I responded.

"Hey, what's up."

"You quit on me, that's what's up. But it's cool because we still won. Are you okay?"

"I have a bottle of wine, bottles actually and it would be a shame for me to drink any one of them alone."

"Just so we're clear, you're inviting me over to hang out right?"

"You know if all else fails, I urge you to strongly consider being a private investigator."

"I just might. I'll be there in 30."

"Aiden I feel nothing for her. I'm with you and I want to be with you."

"I just—"

"–Whatever Normani and I had is in the past, she's just a friend."

"I'm not sure if that makes me feel better."

"It should. Now can we go back to the party."


Louis was standing right outside the door when we walked out, an unfathomable look on his face. "Can I have Normani's phone please?"

"Oh shit yeah, I forgot I still had it. Is she gone already?"

"She left an hour ago. Where did you put her coat."

"Oh is in Tia and Eli's room."

"Cool, I'll just come back for it another time—"

"–Hey is everything okay?"

This time when he looked at me, I could see the disappointment etched on his features. I asked Aiden to give us a minute to talk and he acquiesced, stopping on the fourth step down so he could

"Where's Mani?"

"She left two hours ago."

"Oh, I just assumed you'd leave together."

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