Chapter Fourteen

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"So Valentine's Day will soon be upon us, and we have lined up couples, both real life and on screen couples to come in and compete in a cook off and you guys will get the opportunity to judge. The first is going to be... Liv who did we say the first would be?"

"Steph and Ayesha Curry. Their daughter Riley and I will be the judges."

Normani nodded, "yes exactly. As always, they take over all our social media and we're doing a sit down interview with them before the cook off right?"

"It's in the works."

"Alright, keep me posted on that. Okay, I think that's it. Thank you guys. Hansen can you hang back for a few minutes?"

Lauren made a face as she walked out and I flipped her off as I sat back down. Normani moved closer and sat down. "So you know how we have the Ask Them column, I want you to handle it for this month. I need at least one a week, if you can do more that would be amazing but don't feel pressured. And you'll join Arie on her podcast."

"Really? Are you serious?"

Normani frowned, "Uh yeah I am, this is a good opportunity for you because I don't edit the column, it's all you so it'll be good practice. How is your article coming along?"

"Oh 'What to do when your ex invites you to their wedding', I'll have it ready for you this afternoon."

"Amazing, did you decide whether you're going to go or not?"

"I declined but I think it's a good subject to explore because not everyone's ex is a cheating bastard."

"True, I went to Arin's wedding," Normani conceded. "Okay, get started on that and get it to me as soon as possible?"

I nodded, "sure thing boss. Is there anything else?"

Normani looked up at me. "Not that I can think of. Is there anything on your mind?"

"Other than you, no. You look beautiful by the way," I murmured. I let my fingers brush hers as I walked past her to leave the staff room.

Beck, Lauren and Sage who found out because she was in the café one morning when Normani dropped me off, were sitting at my desk, waiting for me to get back. I deliberately didn't say anything as I put on my coat. "I'm starving, can we go to Caesar's?" When they didn't respond, I quickly added, "you can ask all the questions you want."

"Let me grab my coat," Beck said as he stood. "But I gotta be back on time, I need to style Max for his article."

"If it was Lauren, I would understand but it's me Beck, I'm never late. Except when I am."

Caesar's was a quick walk from work but Lauren insisted we take a cab because she didn't feel like walking. We got a table and made our orders before they all turned to me for answers. "What?"

"You just ordered extra food and asked them to deliver it to work, I assume for our boss who often works through lunch?"

"Yes I did... we made things official. And no that conversation was about work. Normani is very particular about being professional. Actually, she could have told me what she told me just now when I saw her, but she deliberately did it at work."

"Wait back up, I believe you just said that things are official. As in you're girlfriends official?"


The three of them squealed and started speaking all at once. "Okay chill before we get kicked out."

"We're Caesar's most loyal customers, he's not kicking us out. Okay share the details. When, who, how and all the other stuff."

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