Chapter Fifteen

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"Hi Miss Connie, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was in a meeting down town and I had to rush back here. I hope you haven't been waiting too long?"

"Oh hush child, have a seat. I already ordered for us, you still like hot cocoa with whipped cream and sprinkles right?"

I nodded, "yes ma'am."

"Diabetes in a cup," she muttered and I fought the urge to laugh at the face she made as the waitress placed our cups and plates in front of us. "It's a good thing you don't eat like this often. You don't eat like this often right?"

"No ma'am I do not. I do like to indulge every now and then though."

She waved me off, "so what did you want to meet with me about?"

"Straight to the point."

"When you get to a certain age, you don't waste time with unnecessary niceties and small talk. I prefer people just tell me what they want and go. Saves me the trouble of having to smile too much."

"Well then I won't waste your time Miss Connie. So you know the policy about fraternization between superiors and employees?"

Lines began to form in her brow and she pinned me with her gaze. "What about it?"

"What if I knew about someone in the Hamilton group that was in a relationship with their employee. B-But it's not just a work tryst, they're both consenting adults and truly interested beyond their jobs, and they're still being completely professional at work."

"If this really is happening, you need to say something."

"It's just a hunch for now, I've seen things to make me suspect that there might be more going on but nothing that confirms those suspicions."

Connie took a sip of her coffee and looked me dead in the eye. "You need to confirm that it's either true or false then you need to report it. That rule is in place for a reason."

"But doesn't it seem unfair? I mean what if their relationship is real and they were unfortunate enough to meet at a company that they both love working at."

"I don't always agree but it's for everyone's safety."

I sighed, "so you wouldn't consider going to the board and proposing an amendment to the policy?"

"Not right now I won't, and don't have this conversation with anyone else on the board, for the sake of these two people that you're talking about and your own."


"–You'll understand one day when you're in your mother's position. You pick your battles and you pick wisely. Now isn't the right time to try and get the people upstairs to reconsider policies like this, though Valentine's Day is coming up."

I smiled at the attempt at humor, "okay I will figure out if they're really together or not."

"It's not you right? Because I hope for your sake it's not you."

"No it's not me Miss Connie, I don't have a time for love anyway. I'm too busy securing my bag."

We talked for a little longer before she finally had to leave. "Where are you headed? I can take you."

I shook my head, "it's too late to head back to the office so I'll just stay here and get some work done then I'll go home."

"Alright, don't be a stranger Normani, excluding family, you're one of the few people in your generation that I enjoy conversing with."

"Yes ma'am. Thank you for meeting with me." I leaned back in my chair and watched her leave. After ordering again, I took my laptop out and started working. I had a few articles to edit, I had to finalize the articles for the digital issue and analytics to look over and applications to sort through. Once I had my latte and muffin, I put on my earphones and go to work.

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