Chapter Twenty Four

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A/n: I'm going to put a Trigger warning here just in case. You don't have to read this chapter. It's just to fill in the blanks about what happened in the past.


Eight Years Ago...
"Who's got two thumbs and is going to push your big headed baby out in approximately 7 to 8 months? No that's stupid. He won't laugh at that. Uhm let's see, I could get one of those super tiny pair of shoes. What do you think kid?"

I lifted my top up and for a moment, I got lost in admiring my abs. "I'm going to miss you so much. But on the plus side, I'm going to have big ass boobs and a big ass."

I quickly threw the tests and the packaging inside the trashcan as the sound of the front door opening. Thankfully Eli never remembered to check the bathroom when he was throwing out the trash so I could do it later.

"Hey Beautiful," Eli murmured, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?"

"A few times. You're in a good mood today."

"I got my 5 month chip today," His face lit up as he showed it to me.

I kissed him, "I'm so proud of you! How about I stay in and we can do something to celebrate?"

"And miss Karaoke night? Do you know what Choie and Miche will do to me? He shuddered at the thought. Go, have fun. I've got work to do anyway."

"Are you sure? Choie and Miche won't mind."

"I'm sure. Oh you should wear something warm, it's kind of chilly out today and it'll be worse when you get back."

"Will do, please can you take my gray turtleneck out? It should be in the closet?"

"Which one, I swear your closet is basically all black and gray with the occasional color?"

"My favorite one Elijah Meyers."

I lifted my top up again and smiled. "What are you doing Normani Hamilton?"

"Admiring the fact that I have better abs than you?"

"You do have great abs. Your smile wins though."

"That was smooth. And that's the wrong turtleneck babe."

"But you love me anyway right?" He tickled my sides and I giggled as I tried to get away. "All you gotta do is say it."

"Fine I love you!"

He smiled, "I love you too."

As soon as I was dressed, I walked over to the bar where Choie and Miche were already waiting for me. I flipped them both off as I sat down in my usual spot.

"Do you guys know how much I love you?"

"Are you dying?" Choie answered.

"Do I look like I'm dying."

"Okay what do you guys want, I'm buying," Miche stood. "I'm a big shot drummer and all now."

"Shut up, you know my usual."

"Uh I'll have my usual but make it a virgin cocktail." Choie and Miche both turned to look at me. I swatted Choie's hand away from my forehead. "Girl you can't just be touching people's foreheads."

She frowned, "I can when my best friend is acting out of character. Are you feeling okay? Because we can cancel karaoke night. They'll just have to live without The Fleurs for one night."

"Bitch you can barely stay on key, no one's going to miss us."

"I've been getting better! Seriously though, are you good? Karaoke night is for getting drunk and embarrassing ourselves on stage."

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