Christmas Special - Part One (Multi)

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Word Count: ~3.1k 

Every special I make will be with the same ships and in the same timeline for consistency. Happy December everyone! (Also friendly reminder that I headcanon Zed as shorter than Impulse and Tango because Short Zedaph Supremacy)


 Xisuma stood up. He looked around the long table in the meeting room which was located in Town Hall for all of the hermits to meet. As Admin, he was at one head of the table, and Scar was at the other since he was the mayor. "Because Christmas and New Years' are so close, I will be announcing both hosts today as per usual. Our host of the Christmas celebration this year will be Wels. And the host for the New Years' party will be Mayor Scar. At least, that's if you two want the jobs."

Everyone looked either to the mayor, or the knight, who was sitting to Xisuma's left. "I'd be honored to host the Christmas party," Wels grinned.

"And I'd be more than happy to host the New Years' celebration!" Scar added, a smile on his face.

"Then it's settled! Just remember; don't forget to ask for help!"


The freckled hermit shivered lightly as he stood outside the Town Hall. He watched the other hermits walk down the stairs and go their separate ways. Some through the communal portals, some walking around the shopping district, and others flying off.

"I told you you should've brought an actual coat and not a light sweater," Doc scolded, appearing next to him. "It's December 1st, not September 1st." Despite having a harsh tone, he wrapped an arm around his boyfriend and pulled him close to help warm him up.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Bdubs giggled, reaching up to give him a peck on the cheek. "Now c'mon, I need to buy a couple of things from the Barge." Gripping the taller hermit's hand, he pulled him down the Town Hall's front steps.


"You sure you don't mind coming along?" the knight asked again as they walked through the shopping district. Jevin simply laughed and squeezed his hand.

"Of course not! I want to help in any way that I can," he assured him. Smiling under his helmet Wels leaned his head against the slime boy's shoulder until they reached the lamp store. A blanket of warm air soothed the two hermits as they entered the shop.


Xisuma blinked as he stared out into the nether from the hub False had built.

"Everything okay?" Hypno quietly asked, leaning on the wall next to him. The admin let out a heavy sigh and his shoulders slumped.

"My sibling is out here somewhere. And as worried as I am as to what they might do next, they're still family. I'm still concerned about their safety. Is it weird that I just want to know if they're okay?" he asked, turning to his fellow hermit.

"Why would it be weird? Like you said; they're family. Of course you're going to be concerned for them. It's only natural to worry for your family, regardless of what they've done," the shorter male pointed out.

X smiled and turned around, leaning his back against the window. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Hypno," he said with a genuine smile on his face. He gave the hermit's shoulder a light squeeze before heading off.

Hypno gazed out at the nether. He seems so stressed. I need to find him a gift that'll help him calm down.


"Joe, stop pacing," Cleo laughed. She'll admit, the hermit in glasses looked a little cute pacing under the glass rainbow.

"Honey, this is very serious! How am I supposed to top the beans from Halloween?" He was half-joking as he desperately cried out his concerns. Yes, he did want to top the past celebrations' greatest food served, but he wasn't as worried as he let on.

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