Then Suddenly Hels Was Only a Man - Part One (Bels)

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AU: None

WC: ~5k

Explaining the origins of this ship in my head is something I cannot do in a way that makes sense. This is what I mean by pairing so rare it's borderline crack. BDUBS AND HELS HAVE LITERALLY NEVER INTERACTED BUT I SAID FUCK THAT HERE'S BELS CONTENT FOR YOU

And hoo boy, when I say this is only the beginning; this is only the beginning


The spring breeze was especially refreshing atop Bdubs' monolith. His friends Tango and Impulse had stopped by, seeing as the three had yet to properly sit down and hang out since the start of their new world. As they sat talking under the early afternoon sun, they found themselves slipping into a familiar routine of poking and teasing one another.

As their laughter died down from Tango and Bdubs ganging up on Impulse, it was Bdubs' friends' turn to gang up on him.

"I gotta say," Impulse began. "I'm kinda surprised you built this monolith, especially with hardly any guardrails up here?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" He scoffed with a grin.

Tango nodded along. "I mean, you're not exactly... the bravest guy around here! Hell, you avoid going to the nether, let alone the end as much as possible!" He pointed out.

"When was the last time you stepped into the End?" Impulse added on.

"H-Hey now! I'm plenty brave! I just- just like to be... smart! Going to the End is dangerous and I don't need to risk my life for something I can easily buy later down the road," he attempted to reason, but his friends hardly seemed convinced.

"I'd like to see him conquer a bastion," Tango snorted, causing Impulse's eyes to light up.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea."

Bdubs didn't like the mischievous matching smiles forming on Tango and Impulse's faces. As he slowly shook his head, the two slowly nodded. "Prove to us that you're braver than we assume; conquer a bastion, bring back the pigstep disc as proof, and in return, I'll give you three totems," Impulse bargained.

"And I'll get you that elytra you want," Tango added.

The freckled builder scrunched his nose, recoiling slightly. "Why do I have to prove myself to you guys?"

Impulse shrugged. "I mean, you don't have to, but c'mon; totems and an elytra? Plus we'll let you keep all the treasure you get from the bastion, right Tango?"

"Right! Unless... you're too chicken?" Bdubs rolled his eyes as his friends exchanged a glance before mimicking the sound of clucking chickens.

He stood up, holding up his hands. "Okay okay stop! Fine! I accept your challenge! I'll conquer the first bastion I see and you'll two be sorry you ever doubted me," he declared, pointing a finger at them.

Grins widening, his friends stood up as well.

"Deal!" Tango and Impulse agreed.

Bdubs instantly felt regret crawling up his gut.


He cursed the blistering heat of the nether as he traveled through the hellish dimension. His diamond armor and golden helmet encased his sweat, leaving Bdubs feeling gross and uncomfortable. He grumbled regrets to himself about accepting such a deal, but the promise of gifts and proving his friends wrong pushed him forward.

As best as he could, Bdubs trudged through the soulsand valley, raising his shield to the skeletons around. Feeling particularly grumpy, he flipped one off before slicing it in half with his diamond sword.

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