A Simple Kiss (Bdoc)

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Nothing like some high school drama/romance to start off a week, amirite. 

Also, yes I know it's still September, but I am slowly morphing my oneshots into the spooky theme. Just go with it. (Don't worry this just mentions Halloween, but the further we get in October the more present it will be, nyeheheh)

Keralis always knew how to throw a good party. Bdubs has known this about him since forever. So it really wasn't any surprise when he showed up at his friend's house for a Halloween party and was greeted with an array of black, orange, and purple decorations.

"Happy Halloween, Bubbles!" Keralis exclaimed as he let the boy into his house.

"Hey, Bdubs!" Xisuma called from the kitchen.

"Awesome job you guys," Bdubs commented, looking around.

As more people began to arrive, Bdubs wouldn't stop staring at the door. "Don't worry," he jumped as a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" he awkwardly laughed, turning to Beef.

"Doc will show up, you just gotta be patient," he reassured him.

"Excuse me?" Bdubs scoffed. "What makes you think I'm waiting for Doc?"

Beef simply raised an eyebrow and smirked. "It could have something to do with how you're always gawking at him in class," he reached past the freckled boy to snatch a pumpkin-shaped sugar cookie from the platter. "Or is that just my imagination?"

He watched as his friend walked away and crossed his arms. "I do not gawk," he muttered to himself.

"Bubbles, it's your turn!" Keralis called from the living room. Perking up, he jumped over the back of the couch, plopping himself next to Etho.

"Ready to be crushed?" the white-haired boy taunted.

"The only one who will be crushed is you." he stuck his tongue out as the remote was handed to him. Scrolling through the array of characters, the freckled brunette settled on a young angel boy and with that, the game began.

"I'm not late, am I?" a boy asked as he entered the living room. Etho paused the game and Bdubs leaned his head back over the couch. Doc stared down at him for a moment, blinking.

"Nope, you're right on time," Xisuma reassured him.

"Yeah, right on time to watch me destroy Bdubs!" the tan boy could hear the smirk in his voice and narrowed his eyes. He brought his head back forward and shifted on the couch.

"Don't bet on it," he huffed.

The hybrid chuckled and came around the couch, and sat on the armrest.

Before Bdubs knew it, a group was forming next to the couch. He doesn't know who, but he suspects Grian was the one who started the truth or dare. He kicked Doc off the armrest and took his spot, who in turn sat on the ground next to Keralis. X, Scar, Zed, Jevin, False, Impulse, and Cleo all sat with them in a circle. The cosplayer and short boy stayed where they were and continued to battle it out. Trying to focus on not losing, the short brunette was able to tune his friends for the most part.

"I win!" Etho exclaimed triumphantly.

"I demand a rematch!" the freckled boy protested. His friend shrugged.

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