Flinching (Bdoc + Grian)

1.2K 41 15

AU: None (Set in s7)

WC: 2.5k

So for context, back when s7 was still running, I remember seeing Bdubs' and Grian's episodes when Grian would constantly show up at Bdubs' base to shoot him down and take his head. Immediately I got the perfect angst idea for it and wrote it out, but I never published it due to my dislike of the direction it took towards the end. However, after working on the 1k follower special for the Recap and being reminded of #VivaLaGrianlution, not to mention a friend making a valid point about how people tend to write Grian, I decided to fix it and publish it. 

I started this late January of 2021, so, a year in the making, here it is :)


The shopping district was fairly quiet. A hermit or two would pass him by, but mostly it was a peaceful quiet. As Grian passed Lamps Plus, he saw Bdubs, refilling a barrel outside the shop. Bdubs looked up to see him. "Yo, Bdubs!" Grian called, grinning as he waved, but his smile quickly slipped.

When he raised his hand to give a wave, Bdubs flinched.

And he flinched hard.

Grian just stared at him, a million reasons racing through his brain. The other just blankly stared back, smiling with a wave. He couldn't tell if Bdubs realized what he did or not.


"Is everything okay?" Grian blurted out. The freckled hermit was a little surprised by the sudden comment and stood up.

"You mean in general? Uh, yeah I'd say so. Why? Is everything okay with you?"

Grian simply smiled and shook his head. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Ah, have a good day!"

Shrugging, Bdubs gave another small wave before continuing on his path. He wondered if Grian was alluding to another one of his silly pranks, but he hadn't the time to worry over it.


Scar and Bdubs were talking in the H.E.P headquarters, debating what they should do with the building. Would they need to hold future meetings, if they should finally take down the llama exterior, etc. But when the mayor went to reach over Bdubs to catch a slipping vine from a hanging plant, he flinched.

For a brief moment, terror filled his eyes, and Scar noticed.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He softly asked, carefully placing his hand on Bdubs' shoulder.

"What?" He laughed, pulling Scar's hand off him. "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"

"Bdubs, you... flinched."

"Flinched? What? No, I didn't. I didn't..." His voice trailed off as he stared off, blinking.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The mayor slowly asked. Bdubs shook his head and held up his hands.

"It's nothing, honestly," he insisted.


It kept happening. Again with Scar and Grian, but also with Etho, Impulse, Keralis, anyone who interacted with Bdubs. They were all getting more worried by the day, and rightfully so.

Even though many hermits had their suspicions as to why he was acting this way, Grian was the first one to say something.


Grian landed in the village Bdubs had built and scanned the area. He knew chances were they were either down there or up at the castle. He walked around for a minute before he spotted Bdubs and Doc standing by the horse stables, laughing. When they noticed Grian approaching, Bdubs' smile fell and he moved to what seemed like removing his armor, but Doc put a hand out to stop him.

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