The Way I See You (xBEX)

368 19 5

AU: Warden!xB (S9)

WC: ~1.7k

Late-night post for Halloween! Teased this fic a bit ago and figured it was spooky enough!


Evil Xisuma held their torch up as they carefully descended further into the cave. They were careful to crouch the moment their foot touched the sculk. The single torch alone wasn't nearly enough to help them find a safe path through the area, but it wasn't like they had any potions on them.

It wasn't long into their trek of the new biome until they stumbled upon an ancient city. Maybe I'll find some here, they hoped.

The first shrieker they spotted spiked their anxiety, reminding them they had no wool and were completely underprepared.

What had started as an escape from being spotted by hermits had been pushed by their curiosity into seeking out if it was possible to obtain a Warden army.

They didn't want to summon one immediately, especially since summoning them made Wardens angry, and trying to calm one down sounded like an impossible task.

Rumors had reached Xavion's ears of a Warden smaller than the average who would pop up all on his own. They figured he would be the key to the army.

They climbed up the ladder and turned right, safely walking over the wool path laid out. It wasn't long until a blindness effect kicked in, leaving Evil Xisuma in a flickering pitch-black.

Quickly crouching down, they hid behind a deep slate pillar only to squint their eyes and attempt to adjust the red visor on their helmet to allow them to see better.

"Who's there?" A quiet yet threatening voice called out.

There he was.

Still fiddling with their helmet, Xavion wasn't sure how to respond.

"I know you're there. Are you here to rob my home? To summon my family and take them away?" The Warden continued, the hostility in his words quickly building up.

With a deep inhale, they stood up and faced the direction of his voice. They had given up trying to fight against the effect. "No," Xavion firmly answered. "I'm not here to take from you. I'm here to talk to you."

The Warden's heartbeat echoed so loudly in their ears that they were close to confusing it with their own.

"Why?" The Warden scoffed, his footsteps carrying him closer to where Xavion was.

Placing the torch on the wool, Xavion sat down, their legs hanging over the side. "Because when I heard about you, I was intrigued. We're not so different y'know," he softly admitted.

There was a soft noise of the Warden sitting down. "How? Are you a hybrid too?"

"No, that's not where our similarities lie. It's the fact that we don't... perfectly belong. You're not like the other Wardens; from what I've heard you're no weaker but you're smaller, not to mention part human. Yet, you don't fit in with the human crowd either. Meanwhile, I don't fit in with them either, especially the hermits. I'm not immortal like them. I have my one life and no more. However, there's no one else like me. At least, not anymore," they explained. It had been a long while since they saw Hels, let alone heard from him. They feared the worst but hoped to run into him one day. However, until then, Xavion was alone.

The Warden was silent, yet his heartbeat remained just as booming. "So then what do you want to talk about exactly?" He inquired.

Opening their mouth, they hesitated. Yet after a deep breath, they dared to quietly ask; "May I see you?"

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