How Could I Forget? (Bdoc)

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"Bdubs? Bdubs! I think he's waking up!"

Who's calling me? The freckled brunette lazily thought. Slowly blinking he squinted at the bright lights. Groaning, he tried to sit up. He was surprised when a comforting pair of hands helped him up. Looking over, he saw a familiar face.

"Keralis? Where am I?" Bdubs asked his friend. His eyes adjusted, and he was finally able to comprehend what was around him.

"Don't worry, the doctor will be here in just a moment," Keralis reassured him, petting his head.

"Doctor? What? Keralis why am I in a hospital?"

The taller brunette took his hand, giving it a light squeeze. "Do you remember anything?" he quietly asked.

Wincing, a sharp feeling of pain pierced his skull as he tried to recall. "I-"

"Ah, you're awake!" a tall, pale woman stepped into the room, a warm smile on her face. She held a tablet in her hand and tapped a couple of times before approaching the hospital bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Uh, kinda confused. I don't really know why I'm here, and I have a headache," he explained, rubbing his head.

The woman nodded and typed something into the tablet. "We're going to run a couple of tests so we can determine how much longer you need to stay here," she explained. "I'll be right back." And just like that, she was gone.

"So is anyone going to tell me what's going on? Why am I in the hospital?" Bdubs asked, feeling agitated and frustrated.

Taking a deep breath, Keralis placed a hand on his shoulder. "Around two weeks ago, you stormed out of my house and drove away. Xisuma and I didn't know where you were going. And that's when we heard it; a... crash. Don't you remember?"

The freckled male stared down at his hands, his head stinging, and his mind racing. "Two weeks ago? The last thing I remember is-" more pain pierced through his head, and he winced. Instinctively, he wanted to squeeze a hand to help comfort him.

But when he reached out, the hand he was looking for wasn't there.

"Hey, where's Doc?" He looked around and began to worry. Does he know I'm here? I hope he took care of himself while I've been here. He thought, knowing fully well that the hybrid tended to ignore self-care when Bdubs wasn't around to pester him.

"Why would Doc be here?" the taller male scoffed, surprising his friend.

"Because he's my boyfriend?"

The wide-eyed boy just stared at him. "You don't remember?" he repeated. Bdubs leaned his head back, sighing.

"Trying to remember things really hurts right now," he admitted.

The woman returned, this time with others. "Would you mind stepping out for a little?" she asked Keralis.

"Not at all," turning to the tan male, he gave his head a little pat. "I"m going to call our friends, alright? See you in a bit, Bubbles,"

Once he left, questions were thrown in Bdubs' face. His blood was drawn, his temperature was taken. Despite being confused, he did his best to comply with what the doctors and nurses were asking of him. Once he got a CAT scan and taken back to his room, the doctors filed left until the first was left. "We'll have your results soon enough," she promised, before exiting.

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