The Universe Must Have Divined This (Bels)

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Au: Modernish but like also thieves? idk

Wc: ~2.1k

I needed a break from writing the longer stuff so I wrote a quick little something with no substance to it as a treat to myself. Think of it as a light snack


Hels adjusted the mask on his face as he scanned the ballroom in front of him. He hadn't expected getting in would be so easy as if the manor was begging him to steal its heirlooms. As expected of a masquerade, there were plenty of lavish and loud costumes. He too was dressed up, having gone with a simple knight costume. Not showing up with a date was already suspicious enough, so he'd have to find a dancing partner soon.

Lucky for him, a new pair stepped into the room; two young men, the taller dressed in eleven-inspired clothes and the shorter in a druid-like dress. Despite the top half of his face covered, Hels was confident he had a handsome face. Within mere minutes the eleven-dressed man abandoned the other, leaving him visibly disappointed. He seemed far more interested in conversing with the party's host and some friends than his own date, who slowly began walking around, eyes traveling.

When the host's head began to turn in his direction, Hels swiftly approached the man dressed as a druid. A dramatic song, perfect for dancing, began to flow through the room so he gently took the stranger's hand and bowed. "Such a shame you were left alone. Surely you can't go the whole night without dancing?"

The other cracked a smile. "Oh, so you're offering?" He lightly teased.

"Only if you're saying yes," he countered, punctuating with a kiss on his hand.

When he stood up straight, the stranger gave a small curtsy. "Shall we then?"

Hels guided him onto the dance floor, taking his waist before they began to dance. He knew timing-wise he'd only be able to afford one dance, but oh if only he could stay there all night. "You're quite handsome," he murmured as they glided across the floor.

"Ah, thank you," he whispered. "I wasn't so sure on the dress, as I was afraid it'd make me look too feminine for my comfort, but my date was ever the persistent."

"Your boyfriend, is he?" Hels assumed, daring to glance back over. Thankfully the party host was no longer there.

His dancing partner huffed. "I wouldn't say that."

Hels couldn't stop himself from chuckling. "Well whatever you have, doesn't seem like it'll last much longer," he teased.

"Not like he'll care anyways," the man sighed. "But I'll be glad to be separated from him."

He dipped his head down to be closer to the stranger. "It seems he's looking this way," he pointed out, spinning them so the other could sneak a peek. Squeezing his hand, he pulled him closer by the waist.

"I'm surprised he even knows where I am," he scoffed. Blinking, he looked back up at Hels and flashed a smile. "You're a good dancer."

He gasped. "Just good? How dare you!" Hels teased which caused the other to laugh.

"Although seriously, I haven't had this much fun in ages," he admitted, squeezing his hand back.

Hels nodded in agreement. "Perhaps next time there's an event like this, you could attend with me instead. At least then no one would be pressuring you to wear something you don't want to."

"That does sound nice," he whispered.

As the song neared its conclusion, Hels dipped him, drawing more laughter. When he pulled him back upright, without meaning to, he brought him far closer than before. Allowing his impulsiveness to drive him for a brief moment, he began to shrink the gap between their lips and his dance partner seemed eager to play along.

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