It Was A Dare (Iskadubs)

628 23 3

AU: High school AU

WC: ~1.4k

Got the idea from Keralis' dare for Iskall and decided to throw it all into a high school au because those are easy and I've been in an easy writing mood


Determined to not fall behind any further on his history project, Bdubs did his best to ignore the group of his classmates in the corner of the class laughing and shouting and continued to work away. Barely anyone worked during study hall, especially in his class, but for once Bdubs wasn't going to be one of the kids sitting on a desk, shouting across the room. Besides, once he was done, he was going to head to the art room to hang out with Gem.

As he typed away, Bdubs became so focused on working that it wasn't until the person in front of him said something did he realize someone was standing there at all.

"Hey, Bdubs?" Iskall quietly asked.

Instantly a smile tugged on his face. "Hi! How can I help ya?" He eagerly asked, closing his laptop a little to give them more attention. Whatever it was Iskall was going to ask, Bdubs was already excited.

He wasn't quite sure when or how his crush on Iskall began. All he knew was sometime during his freshman year, he realized he liked being around Iskall and making them laugh more than anyone else. Initially, Bdubs assumed it would be a short-lived crush, but there they were, a third of the way through senior year and still head over heels.

His classmate cleared their throat. "Listen this um, this might sound like it's coming out of- out of nowhere but um-" They took a small breath and Bdubs fixed his posture.

When you talk like that you get my hopes up, he blissfully thought. His heart was prematurely racing, thumping in his chest.

"Would you want to go out on a date sometime?" Iskall blurted out, bracing themself.

Bdubs blinked, his mouth agape. How long had they liked him back and he never noticed? He could barely keep up with his heart rate, finding himself struggling to breathe.

But then, as quickly as he found himself lifting to the clouds, he was yanked back down, slamming against the floor.

He heard a chorus of muffled laughter and snickering from the group in the corner and the two of them glanced their way. The students quickly looked away, but Bdubs' suspicions were already raised.

The pieces slowly found their way together as he looked back up at Iskall.

The slight hint of guilt tugging at their face only solidified the puzzle.

"Oh," he whispered as his face fell. "I see."

Bdubs stood up, slamming his laptop shut which caused Iskall to jump. "You're all hysterical." Sarcasm dripped like poison from his words as he packed his backpack.

"N-No, Bdubs- wait- please-" Iskall quietly protested, placing a hand on the desk.

"Aw, c'mon don't be like that!" Keralis called from the group. "It was just a silly dare!"

Etho laughed. "And you fell for it too!" He teased.

Flipping them off, he slung his bag over his shoulder and left the classroom before his anger melted into hateful tears.

Unfortunately, Iskall had followed. "Bdubs please," they begged, grabbing his wrist.

"Let me go!" He snapped, ripping his arm free. "Listen, last I checked you were seventeen, not seven. Grow up, Iskall I thought you were better than that. Talk to me when you've decided to treat me like a person again and not the subject of your stupid game!"

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