A Winter's Ball (Bdoc)

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Word Count: ~1.4k

AU: Rich People AU (I couldn't think of a name it's literally just the hermits as rich posh people in the modern world ajksghklf)

It's not a songfic it's just inspired by Hamilton because Helpless was stuck in my head and all I could think - as a surprise to no one - was Bdoc. So here, take it, enjoy it. Also, now you may be thinking 'if Helpless was stuck in your head then why is it called A Winter's Ball?' 

Because I like this name better now shut up and read. :)

The night sky was filled with snowflakes sprinkling down on the manor grounds. The bright, full moon was just peeking through clouds as the last of the guests filtered inside.

Bdubs was gazing out one of the tall windows at the snow outside, champagne glass in hand. He could just see his own reflection in the window- his red bandana holding back his spiky brown hair, his tan freckled body mostly covered by a matching red satin dress with a square neck and elbow-length sleeves. The short male turned back around to face the ballroom, just as his friend came up to him. Etho had dawned a dark, moss green suit which paired nicely with his black face mask and tie. His white spiky hair provided a good contrast.

"Is it just me, or is everyone looking at us?" Etho mumbled, lowering his mask for a moment to take a sip of champagne.

"I'm pretty sure they're just looking at you," Bdubs pointed out, glancing around at the other guests. He giggled, drinking his champagne.

"Alright, I came here for one reason only, time to get it over with," he sighed. After downing the rest of his champagne the white-haired friend walked away and approached a tall, brunette bearded man. The tanned male watched him while holding his glass to his lips. He watched the two glide onto the dance floor in time for the next song. They were laughing as they danced, and a part of Bdubs longed to have something like that. The pair kept dancing back over to the same tall hybrid, probably the bearded man's friend. He jumped when all three faces turned to look at him from the other side of the room. Etho, whatever you're thinking, please no. Nervousness shot through his body when the hybrid shook his head. But just when he started to relax, it spiked when the tall stranger made his way over to him.

After taking one more sip, he lowered his glass. The hybrid had dark brunette hair and loomed over him- he must be at least a foot taller. He was wearing a basic black suit with a red tie but made it look like the most stunning thing in the world. While Bdubs' hair was a little messy, his was neat and slicked back. Bdubs' glass was almost empty but his was practically full. He was gorgeous while the shorter suddenly felt like he never looked worse. Maybe the dress was a bad choice. Before he could even say 'hi', the other beat him to it.

"Hello, Bdubs, right? I'm Doc, and your friend Etho wanted me to ask you to dance," he explained, showing no emotion in his voice. If anything, all the freckled brunette could detect was disinterest. It hurt a little to know this gorgeous man wants nothing to do with him, but he understood.

"Oh you don't have to, it's alright," he assured him with a smile. "I won't make you do something you don't want to."

Doc furrowed his brow. "But I do want to."

Blinking, he felt his heart go boom at the deceivingly small comment. "W-Well, alright then!" he managed to say. The two placed their glasses on a nearby table, and a part of him wished he finished his off before being guided to the dance floor. Bdubs' eyes were glued to the taller brunette's face, who was staring right back. The moment they started dancing, he was helpless. His body threatened to melt at any moment. Etho's unmistakable giggles could be heard from behind him and he could only wonder what was going through his mind.

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