Just You and Me (Bdoc)

1.6K 57 124

Au: Highschool AU

Word Count: ~4.1k

I promise I'm fine :')

Just a little projecting onto my comfort ship is all lol

Idk if this needs a trigger warning- just know there are some yelling parents 

Doc was disappointed. In himself and everyone around him.

Except for Bdubs.

He could never be disappointed in Bdubs. Annoyed, maybe, but not disappointed.

Since freshman year, something had seemed... off about his best friend, but he always brushed it off. But as the years passed, the off-feeling never went away. And now into their senior year of high school, it was becoming more obvious. Especially over the past couple of weeks, Bdubs' smiles grew more fake, his jokes and teasing more few and far between. Whenever he said something that annoyed Doc, he immediately apologized, instead of understanding the hybrid didn't need one. Being easily distracted was a normal Bdubs thing, but now it had become more prominent. Every time the dark brunette glanced at him in class, the boy was always staring out the window or down at his notebook with a blank look on his face.

Did their other friends not notice? Or did they just not care? Surely Keralis would've said something by now, right?

"Hey, you guys wanna see a movie this weekend?" Beef had asked as he, Etho, Bdubs and Doc walked home.

"Depends, is there anything worth watching?" Etho scoffed.

"Well, I hear there's a new Tales of the Mycelium Resistance out,"

"Oh yeah, the third one, right?"

The tall hybrid drowned out their conversation as the two walked in front of him and Bdubs. His attention was entirely on the freckled brunette, who was staring at the pavement. I should talk to him. I hope I'm just overthinking everything.

"Hello-o?" Beef waved his hand in front of the two boy's faces. "You guys there?"

"O-Oh, sorry!" Bdubs looked up, flashing another fake smile. The hybrid glanced between his friends. Can they seriously not tell?

"So you guys down to go see a movie or not?" the white-haired boy asked.

"Sorry," he apologized again. "My parents don't want me going out this weekend,"

"Aren't you turning 18 soon? You should be able to do what you want," Etho bluntly pointed out.

"Yeah, but they say I'm not spending enough time with them." He shrugged.

"Oh, I get that I guess. What about you, Doc?"

"No thanks, I'm not a fan of those movies," he admitted. It was true, he didn't like those weird mushroom movies, but to be completely transparent, he was hoping he could find some time to talk with his friend.

"Guess it's just you and me then," Beef said with a grin, nudging the other. Doc stifled a laugh as Etho's ears turned pink.

"See you two tomorrow!" Bdubs called as the four split off in two separate directions. He turned the corner, Doc walking beside him.

"Hey, is everything okay?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" The shorter boy turned to face him, his heart starting to race. Why does Doc look so worried? And why is he worried about me? Wait he's worried about me, that's sweet. And cute. What? Stop it Bdubs.

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