I Know You (Stresskall)

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Au: Amnesia Stress

Word Count: ~1.3k

My head is killing me. Opening her eyes, she looked around. Where was she? Why was she laying down? Sitting up, she rubbed her head. Pulling something out of her hair, she examined it. A..flower crown? Why was she wearing one? That's when it hit her.

"Who am I?" and then the stress of it all kicked in. Burying her face in her knees and holding her head, the brunette began to cry. What if I can't remember anything? Oh god, I know there's a word for this. I know there's a word for what's wrong with me. She racked her brain for something, any bit of information would do. But all she managed to find was one thing.

"Iskall," she thought out loud. Just saying the name made her feel better. She lifted her head and took a deep breath. Getting to her feet she clutched the flower crown in her hands. "Hello?" she called out, her voice bouncing off the trees around her.

The brunette turned around at the sound of rustling leaves. "Iskall?" She asked, stepping forward. A blonde boy stepped out and grinned.

"Do I look like Iskall?" he asked, making himself laugh. She simply blinked at him.

"I don't know, what does Iskall look like?" the smile on the boy's face faded as he pulled some sort of device out of his pocket. He was tapping something, though the young woman wasn't sure what. "Listen, Stress, do you know who I am?" she looked around, not sure where this 'Stress' person was. Wait. She thought.

"Is my name Stress?"

"Oh boy," the blonde boy tapped away on his device once again before putting it back in his pocket.

"Could you explain what's going on? Do we know each other?" she asked.

"Erm, try not to freak out, okay Stress?" the brunette lady nodded. "Well, I think it's safe to say that you have amnesia. That means you've lost your memories. My name is Grian, and I'm one of your friends,"

Stress looked down at her feet. She was glad that she knew who she was, and that she could put a label on her issue, but even so...

"Stress? Are you there? Hello?" a worried voice in the distance called out to her. Something about it felt familiar, but she just couldn't figure out why. Two more people appeared in the small clearing. A tall, mustached man in a suit and a shorter, brunette man with a diamond eye. Stress opened her mouth to introduce herself when the brunette rushed over, pulling her into a tight yet comforting hug.

Stress watched the mustached man cross over to Grian and mumbled something to him. The man hugging her finally pulled away, smiling at her.

"Uh, hi!" she said cheerfully. "My name is Stress! Are you Iskall?" just like Grian's his smile faded. Even though she just met him, seeing him frown like that really stung, and Stress didn't know whether to apologize or not.

"Ah, yes, I'm Iskall. So you really do have amnesia," he scratched his beard as he began to ramble. "I guess when Grian told me that you remembered my name I assumed you remembered me," Iskall laughed, but his eyes were still sad.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, clutching her arm. Iskall placed an arm on her shoulder.

"Don't be, it's fine! Your memories will come back," all she could do was nod in response. Something about this person made her heart go crazy. She didn't feel this way when she saw Grian, so what's the difference? Speaking of Grian, he and his mustached friend finally walked up to them.

"So we talked to Xisuma, and the three of us agreed that you, Iskall, will take care of Stress until her memories return," he explained. Clapping his hands together, Grian grinned. "I guess we'll see you two around then!"

"My name is Mumbo Jumbo by the way," the man in the suit gave a brief introduction as Grian took off. "Now if you excuse me, I have a boyfriend to run after," and with that Stress and Iskall were left alone.

"Where are we?" Stress asked, staring up at the giant white skull in front of her. Iskall had led her out of the jungle, all while explaining different things about who she was and where they were.

"This is your base," Iskall explained. "I originally was going to take you to my home, but I figured bringing you here instead may help jog your memories," the brunette girl walked around the giant skull, running her hand on the sides as she looked around.

"And I built everything here?" she asked, astonished.

"Yup! You're really talented!" if anything, the only thing coming back to Stress is that she likes it when Iskall compliments her.

The more she spent time with Iskall, the more Stress realized just how much she liked him. Three days had come and gone and still no sign of memories returning. Of course, she was learning things about herself and everyone else, that they called themselves hermits, how they were all able to build such amazing and complex builds and contraptions.

The one thing she had yet to learn is whether or not she was supposed to keep these feelings to herself. "What if I forgot a memory when I told myself to not tell Iskall how I feel? Wouldn't it be like I'm betraying myself?" Stress thought out loud as she searched her base for some form of a diary. Iskall had dipped out for a minute to run to the shopping district, which gave her some time to think. To put it frankly, she was beginning to worry. Her memories may never return.

"I'm back!" Iskall's cheery voice rang through her home as he flew in. "Whatcha doing?" he asked. Smoothing down her shirt, she plastered a big smile on her face.

"Just looking for a diary. I was hoping it could help. But by the looks of it, I don't think I have one," without saying a word, Iskall walked over to Stress and fixed her flower crown. She could feel her face grow warm, seeing how close he was to her.

"Listen, you don't need to rush getting your memories back, okay? They'll come back, don't worry," he reassured her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Clearly he could see through her fake smile.

"And if they don't? What then? I've lost my identity Iskall," she frowned, holding onto his arm.

"Then you make a new one for yourself. Memories or not you're still StressMonster," Iskall gave the hermit a little head pat. "You should get some rest, it's getting late," he suggested.

She didn't know how she hadn't noticed it before. Right when Stress was ready to crawl into bed, she spotted something. Lifting the mattress, she grinned at the sight of a small book.

Her diary.

Sitting up in her bed, Stress flipped through it. She learned just how much she actually cared for Iskall, which put a smile on her face. And then she found a certain page. A page that revealed Iskall asked her out two months ago and how they've been dating ever since.

Practically flying down the hall, she found Iskall sitting at a desk, working on some blueprints. "I wonder if I added a line here..." he mumbled to himself. The hermit looked up, noticing Stress. "You're not asleep yet?" he turned to face her, his arm resting on the back of the chair.

Stress cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. When she pulled away from a rather baffled Iskall, she shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me?" she quietly asked.

"That we were dating? I uh," he had to take a moment to process everything before explaining himself. "I thought that if I did, you would feel like you had to like me," she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, giving a reassuring squeeze.

"Memories or not, I'll always love you," Stress whispered. Iskall blinked as tears began to fall. He clung onto her like a little kid.

"I love you," the hermit murmured to his girlfriend, over and over again.

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