Starting Anew - Part Three (Bdoc)

705 43 17

Au: None

Word Count: ~1.4k

Final part let's gooooo! Almost didn't make this a part of this miniseries but I wanted closure so here we are! 

A substantial amount of time had passed since Doc promised to wait for Bdubs. And he was doing well on that promise.

They both would occasionally put aside time to check on each other. It quickly became Bdubs visiting Doc and Ren and playing more of a father role to make sure they were getting proper sleep. It was a little nostalgic for him, as it reminded him of early last season when he'd pester Doc to get more sleep.

Gradually over time, they found themselves growing more affectionate. Soft kisses and cuddling became commonplace between the two.

But, Bdubs still wasn't ready to put a proper title on their relationship. And Doc never pushed, never asked. It didn't bother him at all, in fact. Being able to be so close with him was perfect for him.

Although, the one thing he wished he could do; take him on a date. Sure they've spent afternoons together, but it was never considered a 'date'. Even Doc was nervous about calling something a date.

But then, as luck would have it, Etho and Iskall had gone exploring and found atop a mountain an abnormally large crystal cavern and just outside was a large goat family.

Ren suggested Doc take Bdubs for a hike and the two go exploring there together.


"A hike with a promising end? Sounds perfect!" Bdubs happily agreed once Doc suggested the idea. They were sitting on the hill where his moon-shaped base was, enjoying the view of the water.

"Y'know," Doc said, glancing at his hand which he had entangled in Bdubs' hair. "It's fairly early in the day. We could gather some things and take the trail Etho and Iskall dug out today."

Leaning against his arm, he closed his eyes and nodded. "Works for me. Just... Can we stay here for another minute or so?"

Smiling softly, he moved his hand down to his waist and kissed his head. "'Course we can," he whispered.


They weren't even fifteen minutes into their walk and Bdubs was ready to call it quits.

Well, that's what he gets for telling himself he doesn't need to take off his sweater. Who knew that a heavy, moss-like sweater would get him sweating so fast?

He glanced over at Doc and for once, held back a laugh. The hybrid looked so excited and it was adorable.

Finally giving in, he took off the sweater and tied it securely around his waist. Thankfully he was wearing a white tee today.

However, it was growing warmer and warmer out and he felt himself becoming more lightheaded. The path beneath his feet was slightly spinning. A part of him wanted to take a break, but Doc looked so excited about getting to the top, and he was too stubborn to say anything.

He fumbled through his inventory and fished out one of the water bottles. Chugging it made him feel a little better. It eased the light-headed feeling but didn't completely take it away.

"You doing good back there?" Doc asked, pausing on the trail to glance at him.

"Yeah, 'm fine," he assured him, stashing away the now empty bottle.

The hybrid ruffled his hair before gently slipping his hand down to rub his cheek. "We can take a break if you want," he offered.

Bdubs gently took his hand off his sweaty face and squeezed it. "Seriously, I'm fine," he laughed. "Now are we gonna go see that cool geode or not?"

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