I Missed You (Bdoc)

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When Doc disappeared at the beginning of the mayoral race, Bdubs forced himself to not worry. After all, he was Scar's campaign manager.

But once the race ended, worries found their way back to the front of Bdubs' mind. However, he managed to come up with more excuses. He needed to focus on his base, his new castle, the Upside Down. Although each distraction only worked for so long. It came to a point where he refused to be anywhere near his old mansion, worried what emotions may capture him there.

He's fine, I'm sure of it. The tan builder would tell himself. If he needed help, he'd tell me. Wouldn't he?

Bdubs plopped down next to his empty shulker boxes on the cliffside, taking a swig of water. After spending a good amount of time working on his castle, he figured he deserved a break. He closed his eyes as a small gust of wind swept by his face, helping him cool down. His communicator buzzed in his back pocket, and since he had nothing else to do he checked it. The freckled brunette was a little surprised to see a message from his old friend Etho.

EthosLab: Have you talked to Doc recently?

BDoubleO100: Nope, no one has for a while.

EthosLab: I thought he'd at least talk to you.

Bdubs just stared at the last message, unsure how to react. Why would Etho think that? He and Doc were also great friends, probably better than Doc and I.

BDoubleO100: Why me? Lol

EthosLab: nvm, forget what I said

BDoubleO100: Ok?

EthosLab: gtg

Before the builder could ask anything, a server message was sent through the public chat.

EthosLab has left the game

"Why did he leave?" he wondered out loud before finishing his water.

Any worries regarding his interacting with his cosplayer friend were shoved away as he turned back to his work. Checking his shulker boxes, Bdubs collected them all when he saw they were all empty. Gathering them all in his inventory, he decided to take a trip to the shopping district.

"Bubbles? Hello!"

Blinking, the tan hermit looked over to his friend and smiled.

"Oh, hi Keralis!"

"Hey, are you okay?" the friend's expression became serious and he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What? Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" brushing off Keralis' hand, he continued to walk through the lamp shop, picking up his share of diamonds.

"You keep spacing out, Bubbles," he pointed out. "Want to talk about what's on your mind?"

"Sorry, I've just been thinking about how I want to decorate Grian's mansion at the Upside Down."

It wasn't exactly a lie, since that was what he was doing at the lamp shop. He had bought materials for his castle, and it crossed his mind that he was going to be roommates with Grian. Of course, that made him remember how he and Doc were basically roommates.

Why couldn't he just... forget about him?

"What's really bothering you?" Keralis asked, reading him like the open book he was.

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